swelling vp in height; an imbossing, or outstrouting; also, an imbossement, or bunch; a thing risen, swollen, or puffed vp.
Esligible: com. Eligible; worthie, fit, or like, to be elected in election.
Eslingé: m. ée: f. Slender, lanke.
Eslire. To choose, elect, cull, pick out.
Eslite: f. A choice, election, picking out. Gens d'eslite; mots d'eslite. Choice people, quaint termes; men, or words, of the better sort.
Esloché: m. ée: f. Shaken, wagged, iogged; loossed in the ioynt.
Eslochement: m. A Shaking or loossening, as of a ioint.
Eslocher. To shake, wag, iog, wauer; to looße in the ioynt.
Esloigné, ou Esloingné: m. ée: f. Remooued, sent, set, put, banished, or driuen, farre away. Faire la part au plus esloigné. To yeald but a small part, allot a poore share, vnto.
Esloignement, ou esloingnement. A remoouing, or conueying away; a banishing from, a putting, or setting farre of.
Esloigner; ou esloingner. To remooue, banish, driue, set, put, farre away; to keepe aloofe, to send a great away from. S'esloigner de. To leaue, abandon, forsake; to depart, or get him farre from.
Eslourdement: m. A dulling, or dulnesse; an astonishing, amazing; a dizzines, an amazement.
Eslourdir. To dull, blunt, make heauie, sottish, lumpish; also, to astonish, dizze, amaze. S'eslourdir. To wax dull, grow sottish, proue heauie headed; also, to be amazed, astonied, dizzed.
Esluder. To deceiue, mock, scoffe at; to dallie with; to auoid, or shift off with words.
Esmail: m. Ammell, or enammell; (is made of glasse, and mettals, or Chaulx metalique; for which Looke Chaulx.) Esmail de Venise. A kind of blacke enammell made at Venice. Esmaillé: m. ée: f. Enammelled.
Esmailler. To enammell.
Esmailleur: m. An enammeller.
Esmaillure: f. An enammelling.
Esmané: as Emané. Esmaner. Seeke Emaner. Esmarmelé: m. ée: f. Crushed, croosed, or burst in peeces.
Esmarmeler. To crush, croose, or burst in peeces.
Esmay as Esmoy. Thought, care, carke.
s'Esmayer. To be sad, pensiue, astonyed, carefull; to take thought.
Esme: m. An ayme, or leuell taken; also, a purpose, intention, determination.
Esmenuisé: m. ée: f. Made small, broken or beaten into little peeces.
Esmenuiser. To breake, or beate into small peeces; to make small; or, as Esmier. Esmer. To ayme, or leuell at; to make an offer to strike, &c; also, to purpose, determine, intend.
Esmeraude: f. An emerauld.
Esmerauldin: m. ine: f. Like an emerald, belonging to an emerauld.
Esmeril: m. An Emrod, or Emerill stone.
Esmerillon: m. The hawk termed a marlin; also, a small peece of Ordnance, about the size of a Robinet.
Ioyeux comme un esmerillon. As merrie as a marlin.
Esmerillonnant. Watching narrowly; obseruing witha quick eye.
Esmerillonné: m. ée: f. Liuelie, quicke, sprightfull; or as Emerillonné. Esmerillonner. Looke Emerillonner. Esmerveillable: com. Maruelous, admirable, miraculous, wonderfull, much to be wondered at.
Esmerveillé. Maruelled, wondered.
Esmerveillement: m. A marvelling, wondering; admiration, admiring; a gazing at.
Esmerveiller. To make to wonder, admire, or maruell at; to breed astonishment, or admiration in. S'esmerveiller. To wonder, maruell, admire; also, to looke, or gaze at with astonishment.
Esmery: m. An Emrod, or Emerill stone; vsed by Iuellers, Lapidaries, Glasors, &c.
Esmesché: m. ée: f. Snuffed.
Esmescher. To snuffe a light.
Esmeu: m. euë: f. Moued, or stirred vp; excited, incited, incouraged, prouoked, set on; pricked, put, vrged, or egged, forward; also, wagged or shaken vp & down.
Esmeut: m. The mute, or dropping of a bird.
Esmeute: f. A tumult, stirre, vprore, commotion, insurrection, or rising of people; a broyle, riot, sedition, hurly-burly, old coyle; also, a priuate motion, or suddain instinct vnto a thing. Esmeute de chiens. A kennell of hounds that be much of a size, and color: See Meute. Esmeuti. Muted, dropped; purged.
Esmeutir. To mute, or drop, as birds doe; hence, also, to purge anyway.
Esmiable: com. Crummable, crumblable.
Esmié m. ée: f. Crummed, crumbled; mouldred; broken into small peeces,
Esmier. To crum, crumble, breake into small peeces. S'esmier. To fall into small peeces; to moulder away.
Esmiettement: m. A crumming, crumbling, breaking into small peeces.
Esmieure: f. A crumming, crumbling; mouldering.
Esminage: m. A measure in some parts of Burgundie, conteyning about halfe a bushell.
Esminal: m. Another measure; being the halfe of the Bichot. Esminotte: f. A measure of about ij Burgonian bushels.
Esmoëllé: m. ée: f. Without marrow; bereaued of pith; depriued of marrow.
Esmoëller. To depriue of marrow; to pick marrow out of bones, pith out of trees; to bereaue of strength.
Esmoignonné: m. ée: f. Stumped, cut off at the stump; made a stump of.
Esmoignonner. To stump; to cut off at the stump; or make a stump of.
Esmonctoires. Looke Emonctoire. Esmonde real. Osmond royall, male fearne.
Esmondé: m. ée: f. Cleansed, purged, cleered, made cleane, picked; pruned; weeded (by hand.)
Esmondement: m. A cleansing, purging, cleering; or making cleane; a picking; pruning; weeding (by hand.)
Esmonder. To cleanse, purge, cleere, make cleane; to pick (as Corne;) to prune (as trees;) also, to weed (by hand) or pull vp weeds (with the hands.)
Esmondeur: m. A cleanser, purger, cleerer, maker cleane; a picker (of Corne); a pruner (of trees) a weeder by hand.
Esmont. as Esmeut. (An old word.)
Esmorche: f. Touch-powder; also, a tickling; also, the ordure that cleaues to an vnwiped, or ill-wiped arse.