Evitation. as Evitement. Evité: m. ée: f. Auoyded, eschewed, shunned, shrunk from.
Evitement: m. An eschewing, voiding, auoiding, shunning.
Eviter. To auoid, eschew, shun, shrinke from.
Euloge: m. A praise, or benediction; also, a report made, or testimoniall giuen, of ones praise, or dispraise; also, an Epitaph, or superscription on a tombe; also, a Testament, or lastwill.
Evneuque: m. An Eunuch; a gelded man.
Evocation: f. An euocation; a withdrawing, pulling, or calling backe; a calling out, or forth; also, a calling before one by authoritie; a transferring, or remouing of causes vnto a higher Court by commaund of the Judges thereof; a calling from one to another.
Evohe. The crie of madde men; or th' ordinarie acclamation of Bacchus his madde Priests: ¶Rab. Evonyme. Spindle-tree, Pricke-timber tree.
Evoqué: m. ée: f. Called out, forth, backe, or away; withdrawne, transferred, remoued; called from one to another; also, assembled, or called together; also, summoned, or cited before. Toute la force de la ville y fut evoquée. All the troupes in the towne were drawne together into that quarter.
Evoquer. To call out, forth, or away; to withdraw, remoue, transferre, call from one to another; also, to assemble, or call together; also, to call, commaund, or summon to come before a Judge, &c.
Eupatoire: m. The hearbe called Agrimonie, and Liuer-*wort; Looke Aigremoine. Eupatoire bastard. Bastard Agrimonie, water Agrimonie, water Hempe.
Euphorbe: m. The poisonous gummie Thistle Euphorbium; also, the causticke, and congealed sap, teare, or iuyce thereof, sold ordinarily in Apotheries shops by the name of, Euphorbium. Euphraise: f. Eye-bright.
Euphrosine. Buglosse; also, as Euphraise. Eur; &, Eureux. Looke Heur; &, Heureux. Eustagues: f. Ropes in a ship called, the Ties.
Evulsion: f. An evulsion; a pulling vp; a drawing out; also, as (or mistaken, in Maison Rustique, for) Emulsion. Euvre. as Oeuvre; A worke.
Exacerbation: f. An exasperating.
Exacerbé: m. ée: f. Exasperated.
s'Exacerber. To be exasperated, or verie angrie; to grow into great choller.
Exacté: m. ée: f. Exacted; extorted; extreamely dealt withall.
Exactement. Exactly, perfectly, fully well.
Exacter. To exact, extort, take th' vtmost of, deale extreamly with, take violently from.
Exacteur. An exacter, extortioner, hard dealer, mercilesse collector; seuere corrector; one that takes, or looks for, the vtmost, or extremitie of a debt, or dutie.
Exaction: f. Exaction, hard dealing, a taking th' vtmost or extremitie of a debt, or dutie.
Exaggeration: f. An exaggeration, or heaping together; also, an aggrauating, or adding of wrong vnto wrong.
Exaggeré: m. ée: f. Exaggerated; aggrauated; increased, amplified.
Exaggerer. To exaggerate, aggrauate, lay on load; adde heape vnto heape, or heape one on another; to augment, amplifie, increase.
Exagitation: f. An exagitation, stirring, tossing, hurrying, turmoiling, vexing, shaking vp.
Exagité: m. ée: f. Exagitated; vexed, disquieted, troubled; tossed, canvassed, hurried, turmoiled, shaken vp; also, debated, or discussed throughly.
Exagiter. To exagitate; vex, trouble, turmoile, disquiet; canuasse, tosse, hurrie, shake vp; also, to debate, or discusse throughly.
Exagone: com. Six-cornered.
Exaltation: f. An exaltation, or exalting; an extolling, high-raising, renowming. Exaltation saincte Croix. Holy-Rood day.
Exalté: m. ée: f. Exalted, high-raised, extolled, lift vp on high; magnified, renowmed, glorified, exceedingly commended.
Exalter. To exalt, extoll, raise high; renowme, glorifie, magnifie; commend exceedingly, lift vp vnto the skies.
Exalumineux. perles exalumineuses. Bright, shining, orient Pearles.
Examen: m. as Examination. Examen à futur. A preexamination of witnesses, by Commission, before a suit be begun, or before the vsuall time, when it is begun, vpon doubt of their death, or absence, when they are sicklie, aged, or in imployment that necessarily will require their presence elsewhere.
Examinateur. An examiner, an inquisitor.
Examination: f. An examination, inquisition; search, inquirie after; discussion of.
Examiné: m. ée: f. Examined; searched into, inquired after; discussed, pondered.
Examiner. To examine; or minister interrogatories vnto; to search into, inquire after; discusse; weigh, ponder, thinke of.
Exangue: com. Bloudlesse; timerous, fearefull; pale, wanne.
Exanthemes. The small pocks; also, wheals, or pushes on the skinne.
Exarcat: m. The chiefe place of dignitie vnder the Emperour; the Lieutenancie of the Empire.
Exarche. A Vice-Emperour, or Lieutenant of the Empire.
Exasperation: f. An exasperation; prouocation, vrging, exasperating, vexing, bringing out of quiet.
Exasperé: m. ée: f. Exasperated; made rough, sharpe, harsh, angrie; aggrauated, incensed, prouoked, vrged vnto curstnesse, stirred vnto choller.
Exasperer. To exasperate; make sharpe, harsh, rough, or angrie; to aggrauate, prouoke, vex; incite vnto crueltie, vrge vnto curstnesse, whet vnto choller.
Exaulcé: m. ée: f. Exalted, extolled; also, heard perfectly, and to purpose.
Exaulcement: m. An exalting, extolling, magnifying; also, a perfect, and effectuall hearing.
Exaulcer. To exalt, magnifie, extoll, praise highly; also, to heare perfectly, and effectually; to lend a gentle eare vnto.
Exauthoration. A degradation, or disauthorizing.
Exauthoré: m. ée: f. Exauthorized, vnauthorized; put from, depriued of, authoritie.
Exauthorer. To exauthorize, or vnauthorize; to dispossesse of, or degrade from, authoritie.
Excalfactif: m. iue: f. Excalfactiue; heating, chafing, warming.
Excandescence: An inclination, or promptnesse vnto anger; an anger soone taken, soone come and gone.
Excavation: f. An excauation; a hollowing, a making hollow.
Excedé: m. ée: f. Exceeded, passed, gone beyond.
Exceder. To exceed, passe, go beyond.
Excellement. Excellently, exceedingly, notably, in the