course; and reuolutions of times, and seasons; Looke Faire. Tenir le guet. To watch and ward. Bon guet chasse malaventure: Prov. Good heed preuents misfortunes, (or expells them.)
Guettable. Watchable; subiect vnto watching, and warding.
Guettant. Watching, warding; prying, spying; heeding, marking, obseruing; dogging, staulking after. En guettant, & espiant. Craftily, falsly; on aduantage, at vnawares.
Guette: f. A watchman, warder; spie, espiall; a scout-*watch; also, a Sentinell, or watch-tower in a castle, or fortresse.
Guetté: m. ée: f. Watched, warded; also, pried, or spied into; narrowly obserued, maliciously dogged.
Guettement: m. A watching, warding; prying; heeding, obseruing; dogging, lying in wait for.
Guetter. To watch, ward, watch and ward; spie, prie, looke about; marke, heed, note, obserue narrowly; dog, staulke after, lye in wait for.
Guetteur: m. A watcher, warder; spie, espiall; prier, busie obseruer of. Guetteur de chemins. A way-layer, a robber on the highway, a purse-taker, one of Saint Nicholas Clerkes.
Gueu. as Queux; A Cooke. Gueüant. Begging in the highway; or, like a rogue any way.
Guever. See Guesver. Gueüer. as Gueuser. Gueüesse: f. as Gueuse; A woman begger. Gueule: f. The mouth; also, (and most properly) the throat, gullet, pipe, or passage, wherby meat is sent from the mouth downe to the stomacke; also, the stomacke it selfe; or the mouth or Orifice thereof. Gueule droitte. (In Architecture) as Nasselle. Gueule renversée. as Cyme. Harnois de gueule. Meat, victualls, mouth-armour, throat-harnesse. Marchandise de gueule. Victualls, Kitchen ware. Mot de gueule. A ieast, or merrie word. Tonneau à gueule bée. A Tunne whose head is beaten out; or, thats open at the one end. Bien fendu de gueule. Well mouth-clouen, that hath a goodlie wide mouth. Au chat cendreux jamais ne tombe rien en gueule: &, à regnard endormi rien ne chet en la gueule: Prov. Sluggish, or idle people neuer get any thing to purpose; we say, of idlenesse comes no goodnesse. Au chat lescheur bat on souvent la gueule: Prov. Looke Chat. Gueules. Gules; red, or sanguine, in Blazon.
Gueullard: m. The muzzle, or mouth of a beast; also, a wide-mouthed fellow; also, an imbosse (like the head of a Lyon) vpon auncient buskins.
Gueulle: f. See Gueule. Gueus: m. A begger; an idle rogue, a louzie tattered vagabond.
Gueusant. as Gueüant. Gueuse: f. A woman begger, a she rogue, a great, lazie, and louzie queane; a Doxie, or Mort; also, a great lump of melted yron, rude, and vnfashioned, euen as it comes from the furnace.
Gueuser. To beg on the highway, like a rogue.
Gueuserie: f. Beggarie; a canting, or begging.
Guey: m. as Gué; A foord.
Gueuze. as Gueuse.
Gui: m. See Guy.
Guichet: m. A wicket; or hatch of a doore. Madame du guichet (A nickname for a Midwife.) Guichetier: m. He that keepeth the wicket of a prison.
Guidage. A Pasport, or Writ of safeconduct.
Guide: f. A guide, leader, conductor, director; also, a certain little sea-fish that continually swimmes before the Whale; also, a kind of disease, or sore, in a horses withers.
Guidé: m. ée: f. Guided, conducted, directed.
Guideau: m. A kind of fish-net.
Guider. To guide, lead, direct, conduct; set, or keepe, in the way.
Guideymant. The needle of a sea-compaße.
Guidon: m. A Standard, Ensigne, or Banner, vnder which a troupe of men of Armes doe serue; also, he that beares it.
Guieor. as Guide; An old word. Guier. as Guider; To guide. (v.m.) Guieres. as Guere. Guiges: f. The handles of a Targuet, or Shield.
Guignade: f. as Guignement. Guignement: m. A winking, or aiming at a thing with one eye.
Guigne-queuë. The little bird called, a Wagtaile, or Dish-washer.
Guigner. To winke, or aime at with one eye; to leuell at a thing, winking; also, to blinke; to winke and looke askew.
Guigneur: m. A winker; an aimer with one eye, as a Gunner taking his leuell; also, a blinker.
Guignons de roches. The corners, or edges of rockes.
Guigneron. A Gold-finder, a Dung-farmer.
Guilée: f. A great shower of raine.
Guilhedin: m. A gelding.
Guillardet. as Gaillard: ¶Rab. Guillaume. (A name;) William; also, a nickname for a gull, dolt, fop, foole. Guillaume baillez moy la lance. A play (or punishment wherein one thats hudwinkt rides on anothers backe, and calling thus, hath a shitten staffe raught him.
Guille: f. The quill, or faucet of a wine vessell; also, the keele of a ship; also, guile, craft, deceit. Guille de beurre. A peece of butter made of the fashion of a finger.
Guillé: m. ée: f. Beguiled.
Guillebardeau: m. A toole, or instrument.
Guillée. as Guilée. Guillemine: f. A certaine Edict against some exorbitant priuiledges of the Church; deuised, and published by Guillaume Pojet, a Chauncellor of Fraunce.
Guillemins: m. An Order of Hermites, instituted by Guillaume, Duke of Guienne, and Earle of Poictou; Seeke Les Blancs Manteaux, in Manteau. Guillemot: m. A certain three-towed fowle, that somewhat resembles a Plouer.
Guillenard: m. Part of a womans &c.
Guiller. To cousen, beguile, deceiue. (v.m.) Guilleret: m. ette: f. Merrie, frolicke, pleasant, liuelie; also, red about the gills, as one that is cup-shotten, or hath drunke somewhat hard.
Guillerie de passereaux: f. The chirping of Sparrowes.
Guillery: m. as Guillerie. Guillochis: m. A kind of flourishing in Masonrie, or Carpentrie.
Guilloquet. Part of a womans &c.