Immobilité: f. Steadfastnesse, firmeneße, assurednesse, vnmouablenesse.
Immoderé: m. ée: f. Immoderate; excessiue, intemperate, outlashing, disordinate, outragious.
Immoderément. Immoderately; excessiuely, intemperately, disorderedly, disordinately, outragiously.
Immodeste: com. Immodest; wanton, vnchast, lasciuious; malapert, saucie, vnmanerlie.
Immodestement. Immodestly; wantonly, shamelesly; malapertly, saucily.
Immodestie: f. Immodestie; wantonnesse; malapertnesse.
Immolateur: A Sacrifice-offerer.
Immolation: f. An immolation, sacrifice, offering.
Immolé: m. ée: f. Immolated, sacrificed, offered.
Immoler. To offer, to sacrifice, to offer sacrifice.
Immonde: com. Vncleane, smeared, berayed, polluted, foule, filthie, nastie, sluttish. Qui veut la conscience monde, it doit fuïr le monde immonde: Prov. Looke Monde. Immondice: f. Filth, vncleannesse, nastinesse, pollution, sluttishnesse, ordure.
Immondicité: f. Vncleanenesse, filthinesse.
Immortalisation: f. An immortalization, an immortalizing.
Immortalisé: m. ée: f. Immortalized, eternized.
Immortaliser. To immortalize, eternize, make immortall.
Immortalité: f. Immortalitie, eternitie, euerlastingnesse; fame ay-during; a perpetuall memorie, life, renowme, name.
Immortel: m. elle: f. Immortall, eternall, euerlasting, euer-liuing, neuer ending, ay-during.
Immortellement. Immortally, eternally, euerlastingly, perpetually, for euer and euer.
Immuable: com. Vnchangeable, steadfast, firme, setled, constant, resolute.
Immuablement. Vnchangeably, steadfastly, constantly; resolutely.
Immune: com. Exempt, free, priuiledged, discharged from.
Immunité: f. Immunitie, freedome, exemption, libertie, priuiledge, franchise.
Immutable. as Immuable. Impact: m. acte: f. Hard fastened; Looke Empacté. Impacter. as Empacter. Impalpable: com. Impalpable, vnfeelable.
Impar. Odde, vneuen, vnequall, vnlike.
Impartir. To impart, or communicate with; to make partaker of.
Impassibilité: f. Jmpassibilitie, vnsenciblenesse, vnpassionatenesse; also, impatience.
Impassible: com. Impassible, sencelesse, vnpassionate, vnperturbed; also, impatient, which cannot suffer, or will not beare with.
Impatiémment. Impatiently, too passionately; furiously, violently, vehemently.
Impatience: f. Impatience, too much passionatenesse; violence, furie.
Impatient. Impatient, ouer passionate; too hot, violent, vehement; that cannot beare, that will not indure.
Impatronisation: f. An impatronization; th'absolute Maisterie, Seigneurie, or possession of.
Impatronisé: m. ée: f. Impatronized, maistered.
s'Impatroniser de. To maister, conquer, get absolute possession of, lay sure hold on, take as his owne.
Impendent. Impendent, hanging ouer, or vnto; neere approaching, neere at hand, hard by.
Impenetrable: com. Impenetrable, vnpierceable.
Impenses: f. Costs, charges, expences.
Imperatif: m. Th'Imperatiue mood in Grammar.
Imperatif: m. iue: f. Jmperatiue, imperious, cōmanding.
Imperatoire: f. Maisterwort, false Pellitorie of Spaine.
Imperceptible: com. Imperceptible, vnperceiuable.
Imperceptiblement. Vnperceiuably.
Imperer. To rule, sway, command, seigneurize, domineere, haue absolute authoritie ouer.
Imperfaict: m. cte: f. Jmperfect, vncompleat, lame, vnfinished, insufficient.
Imperfection: f. Jmperfection; lamenesse, insufficiencie, weakenesse.
Imperforation: f. A closing, or shutting vp for want of boring, or piercing.
Imperial: m. ale: f. Jmperiall, Emperor-like. Couronne imperiale. Th'Imperiall Lillie, or Crowne Imperiall; a great, beautifull (but stinking) flower.
Imperiale: f. The name of an hearbe (mistaken by some moderne Herbarists for Smyrnium, or Candie Alexanders) that hath many excellent vertues; also, a kind of bit for a horse; alaso, field-bed. Imperiale de Flanders. A certaine coine worth about 8 s. sterl. Impericon. S. Johns wort.
Imperieusement. Imperiously, Lordly, proudly, loftily, Soueraigne-like.
Imperieux: m. euse: f. Imperious, Lordlie, statelie, loftie, commanding, proud.
Imperiosité: f. Statelinesse, Lordlinesse; austeritie, seueritie; Jmperiousnesse.
Imperissable: com. Vnperishable, which cannot miscarrie.
Imperissible. The same.
Imperit. Vnskilfull, vnlearned; vnexpert, vnexperienced; rude, simple, ignorant, easily deceiued.
Imperitement. Vnskilfully, vnlearnedly; vnexpertly, ignorantly, nouice-like.
Impersonnel: m. elle: f. Jmpersonall, that hath no persons.
Impersonnellement. Jmpersonally, without persons.
Imperspirable: com. Not to be breathed into, not to be pierced with aire.
Impertinemment. Impertinently, vnproperly, vnfitly, to little or no purpose.
Impertinence: f. Impertinencie, vnfitnesse, vnpropernesse; a thing thats to no purpose.
Impertinent. Impertinent, vnfit, vnproper; cleane from the matter.
Impetigine: f. A ringworme, tetter, drie itching scab.
Impetrable: com. Impetrable, obtainable vpon request.
Impetrans de letters Royaulx. Patentees; or such as haue got the Kings letters Patents.
Impetration: f. An obtaining by suit, procuring by intreatie, compassing by request.
Impetré: m. ée: f. Obtained by suit, procured by intreatie, compassed by request.
Impetrer. To get by prayer, obtaine by suit, compasse by intreatie, procure by request.
Impetueusement. Impetuously, boisterously, violently, with a vehement swing, or forcible sway.
Impetueux: m. euse: f. Impetuous, boisterous, vehement, violent, raging, furious, most forcible, sweeping away whatsoeuer is before it.
Impetuosité: f. Impetuositie, boisterousnesse, great violence, raging force, ouer-bearing furie.
Impie: com. Impious, wicked, vngodlie, gracelesse, vngracious, irreligious, regarding neither God nor man.