Aperitif: m. iue: f. Of an opening power, or qualitie.
Apert. Apparant, open, euident, plaine, manifest. Loy aperte. as loy apparente. Apert. See Appert. Apertement. Openly, plainely, manifestly, euidently; apparantly, without dissimulation.
Apertise. Seeke Appertise. Apetissant. Daintie; whetting, or inuiting the appetite.
Aphairese: f. The figure Aphæresis; the taking of a letter or sillable from the beginning of a word.
Aphorisme: m. An Aphorisme (or generall rule in Physicke.)
Aphorretique: com. Doubtfull, vnsetled in opinion, whose mind, or iudgement is at oddes with it selfe.
Aphrodille: m. The Affodill, or Asphodill flower; also, the plant that beares it; also, the budded root therof. Aphrodille blanc. The white Asphodill, Dutch Asphodill. Aphrodille femelle. The Onion Asphodill, round-bulbed Asphodill, female Asphodill: Some also call so, the Kings speare Asphodill, or little yellow Asphodill. Aphrodille masle. The white Asphodill, male Asphodill.
Aphronitre. Salt-peeter.
Aphyer. as Afyer. Apier: m. A place where Bees are kept, and tended.
Apilé. fort, & apilé. Strong; well set, well trust, well knit, well heaped, together.
Apistolé: m. ée: f. Cousened, guld; cuckolded, made a wittall; also, baited, nipped, taunted.
Apistoler. To cousen, or gull; also, to bait, nip, taunt, afflict with bitter girds; also, to hornifie, or giue the blow that smarts not.
Apitoyer. To take pitie, to haue compassion, of.
Aplanir. Seeke Applanir. Aplanoyer. as Applanir; also, to qualifie, tame, calme, make as mild as a Lambe.
Aplegement: m. Suretiship; Looke Appleiger. Aplet: m. A kind of great draw-net, vsed in the fishing for Herrings, Mackerels, &c.
Aplomb: m. A perpendiculer, or downe-right fall, seat, or forme; a plumpe descent.
s'Aplomber. To fall, or sinke downe plumpe, by reason of it owne weight.
Apocalypse: f. The Apocalipse, or Reuelation of S. Iohn; and (more generally) any Reuelation; patefaction, denudation.
Apocryphe: m. Th' Apocrypha; Scripture thats not Canonicall; also, (most properly) an obscure place, lurking hole, or corner, secret thing.
Apogée: m. A shrowd, or denne vnder th' earth; also, the point of heauen wherein the Sunne, or any Planet, is furthest from the center of th' earth.
Apoinct: m. as Appoinct; opportunitie, fitnesse, &c. à son apoinct. Fitly, for his purpose or turne; after his mind, according to his humour.
Apointé: m. ée: f. Pointed, or, sharpened at the point; also, referred, or appointed ouer; as a cause, vnto hearing.
Apointement. as Appoinctement. Apointer. Looke Appoincter. Apointi: m. ie: f. Pointed; made with a point; sharpened, or smalled, at the point.
Apointir. To point, or make with a point; to sharpen, or make small, at the point.
s'Apoitronner. To play the coward; also, to grow lazie,
or slothfull.
Apollinaire: f. Henbane.
Apologie: f. An Apologie, defence, purgation, excuse.
Apologue: m. A (prettie and significant) fable, or tale, wherein bruit beasts, or dumbe things, are fained to speake.
s'Apoltronner. as s'Apoitronner; (and the better word) to grow cowardly; or, lazie.
Aponeurose. The Sinewie seperation of the muscles.
Apophthegme: m. An Apothegme; a short and pithy sentence.
Apophyse: f. An eminent production, or outstanding of some true, and inseperable part of a bone beyond the naturall places confining vnto it; Anotamists call it, a Processe.
Apoplectique. One that hath an Apoplexie.
Apoplexie: f. An Apoplexie, or dead Palsie.
Aporetique: com. Euer doubting, neuer certaine in, or assured of, any thing; (the custome, or humor of a Pyrrhonian Philosopher.)
Aposeme: m. A Decoction of medicinable hearbes, in water.
Apostasie: f. An Apostasie; a reuolting, or falling away from a Religion, duetie, or purpose, formerly professed.
Apostasier. To play th' Apostata, to Apostatise it; or, to fall away from his religion, duetie, or purpose.
Apostat. An Apostata.
Apostater. as Apostasier.
Apostatizer. as Apostasier.
Aposté: m. ée: f. Suborned; set; appointed.
Aposteme. Seeke Apostume.
Apostemer. To swell, or grow vnto an impostume.
Aposter. To suborne, &c; as Apposter.
Apostil: m. as Appostile.
Apostile, & Apostiler; Seeke Appostile, & Appostiler.
Apostolat: m. A Apostleship; the office of an Apostle.
Apostoles: f. Letters missiue from a prince; also, writs, or letters of Appeale sent by the Iudge appealed from, to him that is appealed vnto; (A tearme (at this day) of Ecclesiasticall Courts.)
Apostolique: com. Apostolicall, Apostle-like, belonging to an Apostle; Seeke Notaire. Souliers à l'Apostolique. Sandalls.
Apostolizer. To play the Apostle.
Apostre: m. An Apostle; Embassadour; Messenger; also, the Popes Deleguate for the receiuing of appeals in a forreine Prouince.
Apostres. Apostles; also, as Apostoles.
Apostrophé: m. ée f. Auerted, wryed, turned aside; also, reuoked, recalled; also, apostrophised; cut off by an Apostrophe.
Apostropher. To auert, wry, turne aside; also, to reuoke, or call backe; also, to apostrophise; to cut off (by an Apostrophe) the last vowell of a word.
Apostume: f. An Impostume; an inward swelling full of corrupt matter.
Apostumé: m. ée: f. Impostumed, or impostumated; mattered, suppurated, inwardly.
Apostumer. To impostumate, or impostume; to rise in, or grow to, an impostume; to suppurate, or matter, inwardly.
Apotherapic. Pastime, recreation; any exercise, or manner of good gouernment after exercise.
Apothicaire: m. An Apothicarie.
Apothicairaisse: com. Of an Apothecarie, made, or ministred by an Apothicarie; Apothecarilike.