Se laver d'une faute. To purge, cleere, acquit himselfe of an imputation. L'un a le bruit l'autre lave la laine. The one does what the other's said to doe; (Sic vos non vobis.) Pour laver ses mains on n'en vend pas sa terre: Prov. Neuer did cleanlinesse any man vndoe. Vne main lave l'autre: Prov. One serues anothers turne.
Laveur: m. A washer.
Laveure: f. The water wherewith a thing hath beene washed; also, a washing. Laveure de miel. Liquor wherein Honie hath beene purified, or sodden. Laveure des Orfebvres. The washing of Goldsmiths sweepes; viz. the stuffe which they find in the furnace after a melting, and among the dust of their shops after sweeping; all which they put into a vessell, and washing it, picke that which is good out of it.
Lavoir: m. A poole, or pond, whereat buckes, &c, be commonly washed; a washing place, a washing poole or pond; also (in some places) the peece of wood (some three foot long, or high) whereon a washing bason, supported by three or foure brackets, doth stand.
Laurageois: m. ise: f. Of Lauraguez; a part of Languedoc. Herbe Laurageoise. Woad, so called, because it growes abundantly in Lauraguez. Lauraye: f. A groue, or plot, of Laurell trees.
Laurens. Laurence. Cloches de Sainct Laurens. Great blisters in the face.
Laureole: f. Lowrie, Lauriell, spurge Laurell, little Laurell. Laureole masle. Male Lauriell; hath only one stemme set verie thicke with leaues; but in all other parts resembles ordinarie Lowrie.
Laurier: m. A Laurell, or Bay tree. Laurier Alexandrin. Laurell of Alexandria, tongue-Laurell, Tongue-blade, Horse-tongue, Double-tongue.
Lauriere: f. A plot, or groue of Bay-trees.
Laurin: m. ine: f. Of Bayes; set, or stucke with Bayes.
Lauserne: f. Shrub Trefoile, Milke Trefoile, Citisus Bush.
Lauserte. The same.
Laxatif: m. iue: f. Laxatiue, loose, soluble.
Laxif: m. iue: f. Laxatiue.
Laxité: f. Laxatiueneße.
Lay: m. A Lay, Song, Roundelay; also, as Lé; the breadth of cloth, &c; also, a dolefull complaint, passionate lamenting, pitifull wayling; Seeke Lays. Lay: m. laye: f. Lay, secular, temporall. Causes de lay à lay. Cases meerely temporall. Frere lay. A seruant in an Abbey, or Couent.
Laye: f. A (wild) Sow that hath young ones. Layes. The lesses (or dung) of a wild Bore; also, ranks of bushes, or of Copsewood, left as marks to limit how much of the rest is to be felled, and sold at once.
Layé: m. ée: f. Bois layez. Marked how farre to be felled, how much to be sold; or that hath rewes of Copsewood left growing to the same purpose.
Layer vn bois. To leaue markes (or trees, &c, as markes) in a Wood, for the felling, and sale thereof.
Layette: f. A Till, or Drawer; also, a Box with Tills, or Drawers.
Layn. Sober, modest, of a soft, or still disposition; (an old word.)
Lays: m. Trees, or rankes of trees, left in Copses; as in Layes.
Lazaret: m. A Lazaret, or Spittle for Lazers.
Lazanon: m. Seeke Lasanon. Lazur: m. The Lazull, or Azure stone.
Lé: m. Breadth; also, the list of Cloth, or Stuffe. De deux lez. On both sides. Vn drap de deux lez. A peece of broad cloth. D'un lé & d'autre. On both sides. Du long, & du lé. Euerie way.
Le. (A masculine Relatiue, or Article;) the, the said, the same.
Lé: m. lée: f. Broad, wide, large; Hence, Sainct Pierre en sente lée; S. Peters in the broad way; ¶Orleannois. Leal: m. ale: f. Loyall, true, trustie, faithfull, honest.
Leans. (Adverb.) Within there, in that place.
Leauté: f. Loyaltie, faithfullnesse, trustinesse.
Lebeche. as Leveche. Lebre. as Lievre. Leconomantie: f. Diuination by water in a Bason. ¶Rab. Lechard. as Leschard. Lechedoigt. à lech. Daintily, sparingly, by degrees, peece-meale, by parcels, by little and little.
Lechefrite: f. A Dripping-panne.
Lechement: m. A licking, or lapping vp.
Lecher. To licke, lap, slap vp. Peu peut bailler à son escuyer qui son cousteau leche: Prov. He that pinches himselfe must pine another. Qui va il leche, qui repose il seiche: Prov. Looke Seicher. Lechercan: m. A slap-sauce, lick-dish, lickorous companion.
Lecheresse: f. A lickerous, or sawcie woman. Femme lecheresse ne fera ia porée espaisse: Prov. The lickerous houswife seldome makes thicke pottage.
Lecheur: m. A licker, or lapper vp of; See Lescheur. Leçon: f. A Lesson; Lecture, Document, Instruction, Precept.
Lecteur: m. A reader. Lecteur publique. A Profeßor, or publicke Reader, in an Vniuersitie &c.
Lectrin: m. as Letrin. Lecture: f. A Lecture; a Reading.
Ledanger. as Laidanger. Lede. as Ledon. Ledoires: f. Reproches, reuilings, defamatorie tearmes.
Ledomier: m. The Lote, or Nettle tree.
Ledon: m. The shrub Cistus Ledon, from the leaues whereof Ladanum is gathered.
Ledoyer. as Laidanger. Lée: f. A wild Sow.
Legal: m. ale: f. Legall, lawfull; of the Law; tryable by Law. Domicile legal. The house thats enioyed by reason of an Estate, Benefice, or Office.
Legalité: f. Lawfullnesse, lawfull gouernment.
Legart: m. A Newte, or Lizard.
Legat: m. A Legat; the Popes Embaßadour; also, a Legacie.
Legataire: com. A Legatarie; the partie to whom a thing is bequeathed.
Legater. To bequeath, or giue by Will.
Legation: f. An Embassage, or Legateship.
Legement: m. A Lighter for Salt-barks; a boat whereinto a Salt-barke (thats heauie laden, and to passe into shallow waters) discharges part of it burthen.
Legende: f. A Legend, a Writing; also, the words that be about the edge of a peece of coyne.