*wards the end, point, or top.
s'Appointuser. To grow narrow, sharpe, or small, towards th' end, point, or top.
Appoissonné: m. ée: f. Stored, furnished, or fraught, with fish.
Appoissonnement: m, A storing, furnishing, or fraughting with fish.
Appoissonner. To store, furnish, or fraught, with fish.
Apport: m. A carriage, or bringing vnto; also, an arriual, or approach; also, a landing place; also, a resort, a trouping, or comming to in troups; also, the reuenew, gaine, or profit which a thing brings in to it owner. l'Apport d'une fiancée. The portion in mouables, or immouables brought by a woman contracted, vnto her future husband, ouer and besides her dowrie; also, the goods come vnto her by succession from the time of the contract; also, the mariage gifts bestowed on her by him, or others, before the mariage be fully solemnized.
Apporté: m. ée: f. Caried; or brought vnto; also, arriued at, or, come neere to, the hauen, or shore.
Apportement: m. A carrying; or, bringing to; also, an arriuing at, or drawing neere vnto, the hauen, or shore.
Apporter. To carie, bring, or beare vnto; also, to arriue, or approach neere to the hauen, or shore. Chasque demain apporte son pain: Prov. God so prouides for all his creatures, that they need not care much for the morrow. Qui vient est beau; qui apporte encores plus beau: Prov. Faire is he that comes, but fairer he that brings; no emptie hand lookes so well as a full one. Trop tost vient a la porte qui mauvaise nouvelle apporte: Prov. Looke Nouvelle. Apportionner. To apportion; to giue a portion, or childs part.
Apposé: m. ée: f. Layed, put, set on, or neere to, added vnto; assigned, or expresly appointed for.
Apposer. To lay, to set on, or neere to; to put, or adde vnto; to destinate, appoint, or make to serue for.
Apposition. An apposition; an adding, or putting to; a setting on, or neere to.
Apposté: m. ée: f. Apposted, suborned, procured vnderhand; put into, appointed vnto, a businesse, of set purpose, or, to a place for the purpose.
Apposter. To apposte, suborne, procure vnderhand; to put into, or appoint vnto, a place, or businesse, of set purpose, or for priuate purposes.
Appostile. An answer vnto a petition, set downe in the margent therof; and, generally, any small addition vnto a great discourse in writing.
Appostiler. To amplifie, enlarge, or adde vnto a writing; to answer a petition in the margent thereof.
Approvri: m. ie: f. Beggared, impouerished, made poore; vndone.
Approvrir. To impouerish, beggar, make poore; vndo.
Appovrissement: m. An impouerishment, beggaring, vndoing.
Appreci. A price, rate, value set on things; or, as Appreciation. Rentes à l'appreci. Looke Rente. Appreciateur. A priser, rater, valuer, praiser.
Appreciation: f. A praising, or prising; a rating, valuation, estimation of.
Apprecier. To rate, esteeme, prise, value, hold at, set a price on.
Apprehendre. To apprehend, conceiue, vnderstand; perceiue, discouer, spie out.
Apprehensif: m. iue: f. Apprehensiue; wittie, of a quick conceit, or nimble vnderstanding.
Apprehension: f. An apprehension, or comprehension; vnderstanding, wit, conceit, or conception; a quick discouerie of matters.
Apprenant: m. ante: f. Learning, conning, comprehending.
Apprendre. To learne, comprehend, conne; also, to teach, or (as we say also) to learne one athing; whence; Apprendre aux poissons à nager. To teach fishes to swimme; (an idle, vaine, or needlesse labour) we say, to teach his grandame to grope ducks.
Apprenti: m. A Prentise; learner, new beginner; scholler. Vn apprenti de S. Crispin. A Shoomaker. Nouveau apprenti n'est pas Maistre: Prov. A new Prentise is no Master; (and therfore a great difference is to be put betweene them, whether it be for vse, or in estimation.)
Apprentisage: m. A Prentiship.
Apprest: m. A preparation, dressing, prousion, making in a readinesse for.
Appresté: m. ée: f. Dressed, prepared, prouided, made readie for. En bonne maison l'on a tost appresté: Prov. All things are soone prepared in a well ordered house.
Apprester. To prepare, dresse, prouide, make readie for.
Apprimer. To initiate, or giue the first direction vnto; to enter; imbolden, or flesh a yong one vpon a thing which before it durst not meddle with.
Apprins. as Appris. Appris: m. ise: f. Taught, instructed; nurtured, trained vp; also, learned; conned; comprehended. À peine endure mal qui ne l'appris: Prov. Hee hardly beares affliction that neuer tried any. Envis meurt qui appris ne l'a: Prov. Vnwillingly he dies, that hath not thought of death; or, that hath not learnt to die.
Apprivoisé: m. ée: f. Tamed, reclaimed, made inward, growne familiar, gentle, tractable; housall. Brebis trop apprivoisée de trop d'agneaux est tettée: Prov. Looke Agneau. Apprivoisement: m. A taming, reclaiming, making inward, tractable, gentle; housall.
Apprivoiser. To tame, reclaime, make inward, gentle, tractable, familiar; housall.
Approbatif: m. iue: f. Approbatiue, approuing.
Approbation: f. An approbation, allowance; confirmation of.
Approchant. Approaching, drawing neere vnto; arriving almost at.
Approche: f. An approach, a drawing neere vnto.
Approché: m. ée: f. Approched, drawne neere to; almost arriued at; (also, adiourned, cited, or serued with proces to appeare: ¶Norm.) Approchement. An approaching, drawing nigh, arriuing toward, or almost at.
Approcher. To approach; to come, or draw neere vnto; to arriue towards, or almost at; (also, to adiourne, cite, or summon to appeare, by proces: ¶Norm.) Approfité: m. ée: f. Benefited, profited by; turned, or imployed vnto the profit of; also, receiued, or gathered, as the reuenew, or fruits of an inheritance.
Approfitement: m. An aduantaging, profiting, bringing of profit vnto; a turning, or imploying vnto the profit of; also, a receiuing, taking, or gathering of the reuenew, profits, or fruites of an inheritance.
Approfiter. To profit, or thriue by; to make profit, or gaine of; to bring profit vnto; to turne, or imploy vnto profit; also, to receiue, take, or gather the reuenew, pro-*