Il n'est orgueil que de povre enrichi: Prov. Th' inriched beggers pride's without compare. La vache du riche velle souvent, celle de povre avorte: Pro. Looke Riche. Le loup emporte le veau du povre: Prov. Poore men are easily oppressed, vsually preyed on. Qui sçauroit les avantures il ne seroit iamais povre: Pro. (We say) if a man knew when it would raine, he would make hay in faire weather. Tant de povres ne sont pas bons à vn huis: Prov. Many beggers at one doore hinder themselues, & trouble others.
Povrement. Poorely, needily, barely, beggerly; miserably, wretchedly; simply.
Povret: m. ette: f. A wretch, poore soule, poore snake; or somewhat poore, not too rich, not troubled with abundance, or superfluitie; that hath but from hand to mouth.
Povreté: f. Pouertie, penurie, beggerie, barenesse, need, necessitie, want. De grasse cuisine povreté s'avoisine: Prov. Pouertie gets her a house neere prodigalitie; a fat kitchin, and a leane purse grow quickly neighbours. De poules, & de povreté on en est bien tost engé: Prov. Looke Poule. En grande povreté n'y a pas grande loyaulté: Prov. In great pouertie there's no great loyaltie. Si jeunesse sçavoit, & vieillesse pouvoit, iamais povreté n'auroit: Prov. If age had strength, and youth experience, none could for want alledge one iust pretence.
Pourfendre. To cleaue through.
Pourfendu: m. uë: f. Cleft through.
Pourfier. To affirme boldly, aßure cōfidently, maintaine, or stand in, peremptorily.
Pourfil d'un homme. A mans feature, proportion, shape, outward lineaments; or most properly, the verie middle, or middle line of his face. Le pourfil d'une pierre precieuse. The surface, or superficies thereof. En pourfil. Sidewayes; whence; visage en pourfil. as vnder Porfile. Pourfiler d'or. To purfle, tinsell, or ouercast with gold thread, &c.
Pourfileure, & Pourfilure: f. Purfling; a purfling lace, or worke; baudkin-worke; tinselling.
Pourfit. See Profit. Pourfiterolle: f. A cake baked vnder hot imbers; Looke Profiterolle. Pourject. Looke Project. Pourjecter. as Projecter. Pourmenade: f. A walke.
Pourmené. Walked.
Pourmenée: f. A walke, or walking.
Pourmenement: m. A walking.
Pourmener. To walke, to stirre vp and downe. Ie le pourmeneray. I will course him, or keepe him stirring; I will find him worke, or bring him trouble, ynough.
Pourmeneur: m. A walker.
Pourmeneuse: f. A woman that walkes.
Pourmenoir: m. A walke, or walking place.
Pourneant. In vaine, for nothing, to no purpose.
Pourparlé: m. as Pourparler: m. Pourparlement: m. A treating; a conferring, or talking about the compounding of a difference, or concluding of a bargaine.
Pourparler: m. A treatie; conference, talke, or speech
had about an agreement to be made, or thing to bee done.
Pourparler. To treat, conferre, commune, or talke about matters to be accorded, or concluded.
Pourpe: m. The fish Pourcontrell, Preke, or Many-*feet.
Pourpens: m. Great thought, care, studie; serious cogitation.
Pourpensé: m. ée: f. Throughly considered, seriously thought of, exactly digested, reuolued, perpended, examined.
Pourpenser. To bethinke himselfe; throughly to thinke, or consider of; seriously to weigh, perpend, or digest, in the thoughts; exactly to recount, cast, examine, reuolue, in the mind. Qui bien veut parler bien doit pourpenser: Prov. Seeke Parler. Pourpied; ou Poupier. The hearbe Purslane.
Pourplanté: m. ée: f. Planted throughout, set all ouer.
Pourplantement: m. A planting, or setting all ouer.
Pourplanter. To plant, or set, all ouer, throughout, euerie where.
Pourpoint: m. A dublet. Pourpoint d'escaille. A Corslet made of plates resembling scales. Courir les champs en pourpoint. To play the mad-*man. Doubler le moule du pourpoint. To feed excessiuely. Il y laissa le moule du pourpoint. See Moule. Mis en pourpoint. Turnd into his dublet, made not worth a groat; robd or depriued of, despoyled or stript out of, all he hath.
Pourpointerie: f. A Dublet-makers shop; Dublet-makers row, the street wherein Dublet-makers dwell.
Pourpointier: m. A Dublet-maker.
Pourpre: m. Purple, purple colour; also, the Purple shell-*fish; also, as Pourpe; also, the Purples, or a pestilent Ague which raises on the bodie certaine red, or purple spots; also, the Tokens; the blew spots appearing on a bodie thats mortally infected with, or dead of, the Plague. Le pourpre au soc, mort d'egal poix balance: Pro. Death kills, or makes, alike, the rich, and poore.
Pourpré: m. ée: f. Of Purple, attired in Purple.
Pourprendre. To possesse wholly, to containe on euerie side or euerie way, to hold, or take vp all.
Pourprins: m. inse: f. Fully held, wholly contained, possest on euerie side, or euerie way.
Pourprinse: f. as Pourpris. Pourpris: m. A close, or inclosure; or one inclosure of diuers roomes, or closes; the whole circuit, compasse, or continent of a ground, house, or place, consisting of many seuerall parcells, rooms, or peeces within one inclosure; whence; Le pourpris d'un manoir. Comprehends all the out-*roomes, Courts, Gardens, Orchards, Parke, Wood, or Warren, lying round about, or neere vnto, it; and being within one hedge, ditch, pale, or wall.
Pourquerre. To search, or seeke hard after; to solicite, or sue hard for; to procure, purchase, compasse, by all wayes, or meanes.
Pourquines: f. A kind of small blacke figs.
Pourquis: m. ise: f. Searched, or sought for throughly, sued hard for.
Pourquoy? Why? wherefore? whereof, or for what cause?