Precedé: m. ée: f. Preceded; outstripped, gone or gotton before.
Precedemment. Precedently, formerly.
Precedence: f. Precedence, or precedencie; a foregoing; place before another.
Precedent. Precedent, foregoing, outpassing, outstripping, in ranke before another.
Preceder. To precede, surmount, surpasse, excell, goe before.
Precellence: f. Precellencie; an excelling, exceeding, surmounting, surpassing.
Preceller. To excell, exceed, surmount, surpaße.
Precepte: m. A precept, commaundement; lore, document, lesson, instruction; warning, admonition, aduisement.
Precepteur: m. A Teacher, Instructor, Tutor, Maister, Gouernour.
Preception. as Precepte. Preceptorizer. To teach, instruct, tutorize it; gouerne.
Preceptrice. Teaching, instructing, lessoning, admonishing.
Precesseur: m. A foregoer; or, as Predecesseur. Prechanter. To prechaunt it; to sing before the rest; or, to begin a song.
Precieux. Looke Pretieux. Precipitamment. Headlong, all on a head, or with the head before, hastily, rashly, vnaduisedly.
Precipitation: f. Precipitation; headlong rashnesse, desperate hastinesse.
Precipité: m. Precipitate; the red, poisonous, or corroding powder of burned Quicksiluer.
Precipite: m. A daungerous cliffe, a steepe and vnsteadie place to goe on; a steepe downefall, a downe-right pich, or fall.
Precipité: m. ée: f. Precipitated, cast headlong; also, rash, headie, vnaduised. Argent vif precipité. Reduced into Precipitate, burnt into red powder.
Precipiter. To precipitate; to throw, tumble, hurle, or cast downe, headlong; also, to deale rashly, proceed hastily, goe vnaduisedly to worke.
Precipiteux: m. euse: f. Headlong, foole-hardie, inconsiderate, harebraind, furious, violent, vnaduised, hastie, rash.
Preciput: m. Right of birth, eldership, the priuiledge belonging to the eldest.
Precis: m. ise: f. Strict, precise, curious, exact.
Precisément. Precisely, strictly, exactly, curiously.
Preclare: com. Most goodlie, right noble, verie singular, passing, excellent.
Preclosture: f. A close, or inclosed ground, lying before a mansion house; or as Pourpris; all the ground lying about a house.
Precogiter. To precogitate, premeditate, thinke of beforehand.
Precognition: f. A precognition; fore-knowledge, prenotion, or former notice, of.
Precognoissance: f. The same.
Precognoistre. To foreknow; know beforehand, get former notice, haue a foreknowledge of.
Preconter. To abate, or defaulke part of a summe due vpon a former reckoning.
Precordial: m. ale: f. Belonging to the midriffe; neere to, or about, the heart.
Precordiaux: m. The midriffe; also, the heart-strings, or filme of the heart; also, the parts which be neere, or about, the heart; also, the sides of the bellie vnder the ribs; and sometimes also, the whole numbles.
Predecesseur: m. A predecessor, auncestor, forefather; one that hath gone, or beene, before vs.
Predestination: f. Predestination, fore-appointment.
Predestiné: m. ee: f. Predestined, predestinated; ordained, or appointed beforehand, vnto.
Predestinée fatale. Fatall destinie; th' vnalterable destination, ordinance, decree, prouidence, or purpose of God.
Predial: m. ale: f. Consisting of, growing in, belonging vnto, medowes.
Predicant. as Predicateur; or a meane Preacher.
Predicateur: m. A Preacher, Teacher, Sermon-maker; a reporter, publisher; denouncer of things to come.
Predication: f. A Sermon, Preaching; publicke declaration, or denunciation.
Prediction: f. A prediction, foretelling, presaging, fore-*saying.
Predire. To foretell, foresay, presage, diuine, prophesie.
Prediseur: m. A foreteller, presager, diuine, prophesier.
Predivination: f. Diuination, presaging, foreghessing, foreseeing.
Prediviner. To diuine, presage, foresee, foreknow, ghesse at beforehand.
Prée: f. A medow.
Préeminence: f. Preheminence, prerogatiue.
Préer. To make medow, lay to medow, turne into medowes.
Préeslu: m. uë: f. Preelected, fore-chosen.
Preface: f. A Preface, Preamble, Prologue, fore-speech.
Prefect: m. A Prefect, President, Principall, or principall Officer.
Preferable: com. Preferrable; fit to be esteemed, or aduanced, before others.
Preference: f. Preferment, aduancement; account before, place aboue, others.
Preferer. To preferre; like better, esteeme aboue, place before, make more account of.
Prefigé: m. ée: f. Prefixed; fastened, set, or stucke before; appointed beforehand.
Prefiger. To prefix; to fasten, set, or sticke before; also, to appoint beforehand.
Prefini: m. ie: f. Determined, appointed, limited beforehand.
Prefinir. To determine, appoint, limit beforehand.
Prefire. To prefix; to limit, assigne, prescribe, appoint beforehand.
Prefix. Prefixed; limited, assigned, prescribed, appointed beforehand.
Prefixion: f. A prefixion; fore-appointment, prescription.
Pregnamment. Pregnantly; pithily, forcibly, strongly, liuely.
Pregnant: m. ante: f. Pregnant, pithie, ripe, liuelie, forcible, strong. Raisons pregnantes. Plaine, apparent, important, or pressing reasons.
Preguste: com. A Taster, or Forestaller; one that takes th' essay of meats.
Prehaster. To precipitate; to hasten extreamely, or ouer-much.
Preignant. as Pregnant. Preigne: f. Bagd, full, with young, with child.
Preignement. as Pregnamment. Preigneur: f. A being full-bagd, great with child, or with young.
Preïr. To make Medowing of; to turne into Medow.