Proscript: m. ipte: f. Proscribed; attainted; exposed, or designed vnto slaughter; also, publikely sold, or set vnto sale.
Proscription: f. A Proscription; Attainder; Outlarie; a designing, or exposing vnto slaughter; also, Portsale, or publike sale.
Proscrire. To proscribe; attaint; outlaw; to expose, or designe vnto slaughter; also, to publish, or proclaime the sale of.
Prose: f. Prose; any stile which is not Verse, or Meetre. Proses. Part of the Masse deuised by the Abbot of S. Galle. De peu de chose peu de prose: Prov. For small matters little strife; about small things but small adoe.
Proselite: m. A Proßelite; a stranger turned to our fashion, conuerted to our faith.
Prosenette: m. as Proxenete. Proserie: f. A place appointed for the nourishment of poore people.
Prosne. as Prone. Prosner. A Priest to preach, or to pronounce, the prone; looke Prone. Prosopopée: f. A disguising; representing of persons, faining of a person to speake.
Prospective: f. The Prospectiue, Perspectiue, or Optick Art; also, a (bounded) prospect; a (limitted) view, or suruey. En prospective. Openly, to the view, for a shew, to be seene.
Prosperément. Prosperously, successiuely, happily, luckily, fortunately.
Prosperer. To prosper, thriue, haue or bring lucke; to giue successe vnto.
Prosperité: f. Prosperitie, happinesse, good lucke, fortune, or succeße in.
Prostates. Certaine kernells in the necke of the bladder.
Prosterné: m. ée: f. Prostrated, fallen flat, layed along; foyled, felled, borne, caste, or strucken downe.
Prosternement: m. A prostrating, or laying along; a felling, foyling, ouerthrowing.
Prosterner. To prostrate, lay flat or along; to foyle, fell, cast, beare, strike downe.
Prostitué: m. ée: f. Prostituted, abandoned, set to sale, abused, or made common by euerie one that will pay.
Prostituer. To prostitute, abandon, set open to, make common for, euerie one; to play the whore with, or subiect vnto the pleasure of, any man for money.
Prostitution: f. A prostitution; a setting vnto sale, an abandoning to the vse of any man for money.
Prostration: f. A prostrating; a deiection, or falling at the feet of; or, as Prosternement. Prosyllogisme. A second Syllogisme prouing the first.
Protecole: m. The first Draught, or Copie of a Deed, Contract, Jnstrument, Euidence; or a short Register kept thereof; also, a Precedent for the drawing of a Patent, or Deed; also, a booke of such Precedents; also, a prompter of one that makes an Oration, or acts a Part, in publike.
Protecteur: m. A protector, maintainer, defendor.
Protection: f. Protection, safegard, publike maintenance, or defence.
Protectrice: f. A protectrix, or defendresse.
Protegé: m. ée: f. Protected, couered, shielded, saued, defended.
Proteger. To protect, shield, couer, saue, keepe harmelesse, defend.
Protelé: m. ée: f. Shifted off, put backe, driuen or chased away; delayed.
Proteler. To shift off, put backe, driue or chase away; also, to delay, deferre, protract.
Protenotaire: m. A Pregnotarie, or principall Notarie.
Proterve: com. Froward, wayward, peruerse, curst, snappish, peeuish; also, prowd, sawcie, malapert, arrogant, impudent.
Protervement. Peruersely, waywardly, frowardly; also, prowdly, sawcily, impudently.
Protervie: f. Frowardnesse, peruersenesse, curstneße, peeuishnesse, waywardnesse; also, pride, sawcineße, malapertnesse, arrogancie, impudencie.
Protervité: f. as Protervie. Protestant. Protesting, denouncing, openly auerring or declaring. Protestant de trahison. Protesting, or crying, that he was betrayed.
Protestation: f. A protestation; an open declaration, auerment, or denouncement of an opinion, or purpose.
Protesté. Protested; openly affirmed, earnestly auerred, solemnly auouched.
Protester. To protest; to affirme earnestly, auerre solemnely, auouch or denounce openly; also, to deny the payment of a demaunded debt; or to returne a Bill of debt vnpayed. Protester de tous despens, dommages, & interests. To challenge, demaund, or insist vpon satisfaction for his dammages, and a restorall of all his costs and charges.
Prothocolle, & Protocole. as Protecole. Protodiables: m. The first, or chiefest of Diuels.
Proto-martyre. The first Martyr.
Protonotaire: m. A Pregnotarie, principall Notarie, chiefe Scribe; (A title proper, and peculiar to the Greffier civil de la Cour de Parlement de Paris.) Prototype: m. The first forme, type, modell, or patterne of.
Prou, for Proufit; whence; Bon prou leur face. Much good may it doe them; let them follow their owne courses, or take their owne wayes.
Prou. Much, greatly, enough.
Provature: f. A kind of greene Cheese made in Jtalie, of the milke of Buffles.
Prouë: f. The prow, or forepart of a Ship; also, a point aduancing it selfe out of a building as the prow out of a Ship.
Provect: m. cte: f. Well growne in age, or of good yeares; well studied in an Art; forward, or farre gone, in the course of Arts.
Provençales. Long slops, Marriners long breeches.
Provende: f. Prouender; also, a Prebendrie.
Provenir. To ißue, come, step, or spring forth; to proceed from.
Proverbe: m. A prouerbe; adage, old said saw, short, and wittie saying.
Proverbial: m. ale: f. Prouerbiall, of a Prouerbe.
Prouësse: f. Prowesse, courage, dowtinesse, valour, cheualrie; a valiant act, a small action.
Proufit: m. Profit, gaine, lucre; increase of, or aduantage in, estate.