Souspeçon: f. Suspition, iealousie, diffidence, doubt, feare, distrust, mistrust.
Souspeçonné: m. ée: f. Suspected, mistrusted, had in iealousie.
Souspeçonner. To suspect, feare, doubt of, distrust, mistrust, haue in a iealousie.
Souspeçonneusement. Suspitiously, iealously, doubtfully, distrustfully.
Souspeçonneux: m. euse: f. Suspitious, doubtfull, diffident, iealous, distrustfull.
Souspendement: m. A hanging or leaning ouer; a iuttying or bearing out.
Souspendre. Looke Soupendre. Souspendu: m. uë: f. Hanging, or hung ouer; iuttied, or set out beyond. Vne desmarche souspenduë. A stealing pace.
Souspenduë: f. as Soupenduë; also, as Surpenduë, especially in the last sence.
Souspente. Looke Soupenduë. Souspesé: m. ée: f. Peised, weighed, pondered.
Souspeser. To peise, weigh, ponder diligently; Looke Soupeser. Souspir: m. A sigh; also, a short breath; also, a Minime rest in Musice. Demy souspir. A Crochet rest. Au dernier souspir. At the last gaspe.
Souspirable: com. Fit to bee sighed for, worthie of moane.
Souspirail. as Souspiral. Souspiraillé: m. ée: f. Hauing holes, vents, open windowes, or other passages, for aire to come in and out at.
Souspiral: m. An ouerture, or passage for aire or breath to come in and goe out at; a vent, or breathing hole; Hence, the tunnell of a chimney; the window of a sellar; the mouth of a caue, or denne.
Souspirement: m. A sighing.
Souspirer. To sigh; also, to desire vehemently. À coeur dolent la bouche souspire: Prov. Sighes in the mouth, sorrow at the heart.
Sousplié: m. ée: f. Bent, or bowed vnder, subiect vnto.
Soussigner. Looke Soubsigner. Souste. A prop, stay, or tresle of wood.
Soustenable: com. Sustainable, supportable, abideable.
Soustenance: f. A prop, support, stay, maintenance.
Soustenant (de balance.) The cheekes of a balance; the two vpright peeces betweene which the needle plaieth. Soustenant de bride. The cheeke-peece of a bridle.
Soustendrons: m. The sides of the bellie vnder the short ribs.
Soustenement: m. A sustaining, supporting, vpholding, maintaining; induring, abiding.
Soustenir. To sustaine, support, vphold, stay or beare vp; also, to indure, tollerate, abide; also, (in singing) to hold a note; and (in manage) to keepe a horse, being risen, from comming too soone to the ground. Soustenir & abstenir. Looke Abstenir. Sousternery. She that giues sucke to a new-borne child for two or three dayes, and vntill the mothers milke be fit for it: ¶Provençal. Sousterré: m. ée: f. Put, laid, or buried vnder, or within, the ground.
Sousterrer. To put, lay, burie vnder, or within, the ground.
Soustien: m. The first bill which a Plaintife puts into a Court.
Soustraire. Looke Soubtraire. Soutane: f. A long and loosse coat, or caßocke, such as Church-men weare vnder their gownes.
Soute: f. as Soutte; also, a franke, or hogs-stie; whence; Pourceau gras rompt sa soute: Prov. (Appliable to the vnrulie humors of pampered, or high-fed creatures.) Soutest. as Pericraine. Soutre. Looke Soutte. Soutte: f. A binne to keepe bread in; also, the roome of a ship, wherein the prouision-bisket is laied.
Souvenance: f. Memorie, remembrance; also, a Ring with many hoopes, whereof a man lets one hang downe when he would be put in mind of a thing.
Souvendier: m. The hearbe Cichorie.
Souvenir: m. A remembrance.
Souvenir. To remember, put in mind, bring to the memorie of. Se souvenir. To remember, haue in memorie, call to mind. Il souvient tousiours à Robin de ses fleutes: Prov. Looke Robin. Souvent. Often, many times.
Souvenu: m. uë: f. Remembred, called to mind or memorie.
Souverain: m. A Soueraigne; one that acknowledges no superior; (and yet in old time a President of Justice, or any in Office aboue others, was tearmed so.)
Souverain: m. aine: f. Soueraigne, Princelie, chiefe, principall, passing, excellent, high, notable, singular.
Souverainement. Soueraignely, Princely, chiefely, principally; most highly, notably, singularly, excellently.
Souveraineté: f. Soueraigntie, principalitie, highest authoritie, chiefe gouernement, supreme power. Droicts de Souveraineté. Are generally six; viz. Th' enacting of, and dispensing with, Lawes; the creating of Officers; the making of warre, and peace; the hauing of le dernier ressort de la Iustice; the coyning of money; and the raising, or imposing thereof; whereunto some adde, Confiscation for Heresie, Treason, &c; the granting of Priuiledges, Faires, Markets, and Letters of Mart; la Regale; right vnto all wreckes, and shipwrackes; an interest in th' absolute fealtie, and homage of the subiect; power to naturalize forrainers, legitimate bastards, ennoble Roturiers, or peasants; a tenth in all manner of mines that haue beene, or shall be, opened throughout all France; and diuers other Royalties.
Soy. Him, himselfe; her, her selfe. Retourner sur soy. To returne the same way he came.
Soye: f. Silke; also, hogs bristles. Appliquer soye sur soye. To lecher. Mesler la soye avec le fleurer. To iumble good and bad together.
Soyer. To reape corne.
Soyes: f. Is, in the throats of swine, a disease that stifles them, if it be not presently cured; also, as Sais. Soyeux: m. euse: f. Silkie; bristlie; full of silke or of bristles.
Soymesme. Himselfe.
Soytier: m. ere: f. Of silke, or dealing with silkes.
Spadaires: m. An Order of white Friers which weare on their habites a representation of two red swords.
Spadasin; or, Spadassin: m. A cutter, hackster, swaggerer, swash-buckler.