Vnanime: com. Of one mind, heart, will, consent, accord; agreeing fully together.
Vnanimement. With one mind, &c; with full consent, or agreement.
Vnde. Looke Onde. Vndé. as Ondé; also, in Blason, vndie, or wauie.
Vndecimestre. Of eleuen moneths.
Vndiculation: f. A wauing, or water-worke, in Jmagerie, or caruing.
Vndimie: f. as Oedeme. Vnguent. Looke Onguent. Vnguenteux: m. euse: f. Full of oyntments, or salues; oylie, greasie, fattie.
Vni: m. ie: f. Iust, euen, equall, plaine; smooth; also, vnited, or ioyned together.
Vnicorne: f. An Vnicorne.
Vniemént: m. An euenning, equalling, planing; a making iust, or leuell, with another.
Vniément. Equally, euenly, plainely, smoothly, iust one with another.
Vniesme: com. The first; the one, or onth.
Vniforme: com. Vniforme; of one forme, proportion, shape, or fashion.
Vniformement. Vniformely, with one order, in one manner.
Vniformité: f. Vniformitie; agreement in forme, proportion, shape, fashion, manner, order.
Vniment: m. An vniting, ioyning, or knitting together.
Vniment. With one accord.
Vnion: f. An vnion, or vnitie; a league, peace, consent, agreement, attonement.
Vnipare: com. Breeding, or bringing forth, but one at once.
Vnique: com. Single, singular, one, onelie, alone; entire; especiall.
Vniquement. Singly, singularly, entirely; chiefely, especially; onely, alone.
Vnir. To vnite, ioyne, annex or knit vnto, make one of.
Vnisonnant: m. ante: f. Sounding alike, according, or agreeing in sound, of one and the same sound.
Vnisonnement. All with one sound, voice, accord; in good harmonie.
Vnisson: f. An vnison; an one; an onelynesse, or lonelynesse; a single, or singleneße.
Vnité: f. An vnitie, singlenesse, concord, agreement, attonement; an vnion, vniting, or ioyning of things together.
Vnivers. L'vn. The vniuerse, or vniuersall world.
Vniversel: m. elle: f. Vniuersall, common, generall, belonging to all.
Vniversellement. Vniuersally, generally, wholly, altogether.
Vniversité: f. Vniuersitie, vniuersalitie, generallnesse; also, an Vniuersitie.
Vnivoque: com. Simple, of one onely sence, or signification.
Vnziesme: m. An eleuenth; a rate, or proportion of eleuen.
Vnziesme: com. L'vn. The eleuenth in number.
Voarre: m. A glasse; or glaße.
Voarrerie: f. A Glaße-house.
Voarrier: m. A Glasier; or Glaße-maker.
Voarriere: f. A Glasse-window; also, as Voarrerie. Vocable: m. A word, a tearme.
Vocabulaire: m. A Vocabularie, Dictionarie, world of words.
Vocal: m. ale: f. Vocall; belonging to, or consisting in, the voice; also, well-tuned, that maketh a distinct sound;
and, resounding, or that hath a lowd voice. Oiseau vocale. A bird which may be taught to speake.
Vocale: f. A vowell.
Vocalizé: m. ée: f. Vowelled, made a vowell.
Vocation: f. A vocation, a calling.
Vociferation: f. A vociferation, exclamation, braying, lowd crying.
Vociferer. To exclaime, bray, cry out, cry alowd.
Vociter. To call often.
Voeu: m. A vow, religious promise, deepe or deuout protestation.
Vogue: f. Vogue, sway, swindge; authoritie, power; a cleere paßage, as of a ship in a broad sea. Vne vogue de faveur de peu de durée. A geere of fauor, momentarie grace.
Voguement: m. A sayling forth, or forward; a parting or passing along vnder sayle.
Voguer. To sayle forth, or forward; to set sayle, hoyse vp ayles, put forth vnto the sea; to part or passe along vnder sayle. Vogue avant. On a Gods name, on forward, on afore. Vogue la gallere. See Gallere. Voici. See here, looke here, behold here.
Voicture, & Voicturier. See Voiture, & Voiturier. Voïe. See Voye. Voïer. Looke Voyer. Voilà. Looke, see, loe, behold, there. Voilà ce que ie demande. Why thats the thing I aske. Ie croy que voilà le plus propre. This is, as I thinke, the fittest.
Voile: m. A Vayle; (vsed by Nunnes, widowes, or churched women;) also, a curtaine or other cloth to couer, or lay ouer, a thing.
Voile: f. The sayle of a ship; also, a sayle, or ship, whence, 200 voiles; 200 ships, or sayle of ships. À voile desployée. With sayles displayed; hastily, speedily, furiously; with might and maine, as fast and as much as one can. À voile rancade. See Rancade. Friand à la voile. Navire friand à la voile. A ship that goes exceeding well and swiftly, an excellent sayler. Donner (ou faive) voile à tous vents. To sayle with, or be carried by, euerie wind; to doe alwayes as others doe; also, to be transported by euerie windie motion of his owne vaine thoughts. Faire voile. To set sayle, to make out to sea, &c.
Voilé: m. ée: f. Vayled; attired in, or couered with, a vayle; also, professed, as a Nunne; also, furnished with sayles.
Voiler. To vayle; to couer with, or attire in, a vayle; also, to make a Nunne of; also, to excuse, ouershadow, hide, conceale.
Voilier: m. ere: f. Of a sayle, hauing sayles.
Voir: m. Truth, a true tale or matter, sooth. (v.m.) Voir. To see; Looke Veoir. Voire. But, yea but; surely, certainely, verily, indeed; forsooth; also. Voire Dea. (Ironically) yes forsooth, yea ywis, much, as though, in my tother hose. Voire voirement s'il n'estoit point ainsi. As though forsooth it were not so; or by your fauor sir it was euen so. Il s'est mocqué de moy, voire il m'a batu. He mocked me, yea and beat me to; or, he gaue me both quips and cuts, both mockes and stroakes, to boot.
Voirement. Surely, certainely, verily; forsooth; indeed.