Xenomanes. ¶Rab. A traueller.
Xilaloë. Lignum Aloes.
Xilobalsame: m. The wood of the Balsame tree.
Y. (A Relatiue, or Aduerbe of Relation) vnto him, it, or them; thereto, or thereunto; also, there, or thither. Dieu vous y aide. (To one that sneezeth) God blesse you. Ie ne sçauroy que vous y faire. I should not know how to helpe you, or what to doe for you, in it. Il y a esté trois iours. He hath beene three dayes about it. Il se nommoit Philippus, & y fut souvent appellé. And was often called so. Puis que pisseurs y a: &, Puis que de nos marottes y a. Seeing that we are speaking of pissers, &c.
Yeble: m. Wallwort, Danewort, Dwarfe Elderne.
Yeose. as Yeuse. Yeuse. The Holme Oke, barren Skarlet Oke, French Oke.
Yeux. (The Plurall to Oeil) Eyes; Looke Oeil. Yf: m. The Yew tree.
Ymagé. Looke Imagé. Ypreau: m. The Elme tree.
Yraigne. as Araigne. Ysard: m. The Shamois, or wild Goat of whose skin Shamois leather is made.
Yssé: m. ée: f. Hoised, lift vp.
Ysser. To hoise, or lift vp.
Yssir. To issue; to come, goe, or flow forth.
Yssuë: f. An ißue; going out, comming forth; also, as Issuë. Yve: f. as Ive; also, (in old French) water.
Yver: m. Winter; Looke Hyver. Yvernade: f. A wintering.
Yvernal: m. ale: f. Fit for, of or belonging to, the Winter.
Yverner. To winter, to spend or passe away the Winter; also, to dig, or dresse a vineyard in Winter.
Yvoire: m. Ivorie, Elephants tooth.
Yvoirin: m. ine: f. Of Ivorie, like Ivorie.
Yvraison: f. Drunkennesse; or, th' act of drunkennesse; (Yvrongnerie being the vice, or vse thereof.)
Yvraye: f. The vicious graine called Ray, or Darnell. Yvraye sauvage. Red Darnell, wall Barlie, way Bennet.
Yvre: com. Drunken, cupshotten, tipsie, whitled , flusht, mellow, ouerseene, whose cap is set, that hath taken a pot too much, that hath seene the diuell. Yvre de laict caillé. Tipled by a small matter; whose weake braine is distempered, or ouerturned, by weake drinke. Yvre comme vne soupe. Looke Soupe. Yvrosse: f. Drunkennesse; also, as Yvrongnesse. Yvrongne: m. A drunkard. À la trongne cognoist on l'yvrongne: Prov. A drunkard is by his rich face discerned.
Yvrongner. To be drunke, or to drinke drunke; to swill
or carouse vnmeasurably.
Yvrongnerie: f. Drunkennesse; (the vice, custome, or habit of drunkenneße.)
Yvrongnesse: f. A drunken woman, a drunken sow. Femme safre, & yvrongnesse, de son corps n'est pas maistresse: Prov. We say, A drunken Tnuc hath no Porter.
Yvrongnet: m. ette: f. Somewhat drunken, ouerseene, or too blame; a little out of the way.
Yvroye. as Yvraye. Z Zaffre. A kind of exceeding drie sand, or grauell; or as Safre. Zagaye: f. A fashion of slender, long, and long-headed Pike, vsed by the Moorish horsemen.
Zaguille. as Zagaye. Zain: m. A horse thats all of one (darke) colour, without any starre, spot, or marke about him; and therby commonly vicious.
Zalas. Alas: ¶Rab. Zanit: m. A Vice to a Tumbler, &c; or in a Play.
Zarzeparille: f. The medicinable plant called Zarzaparilla, or (corruptly) Sassaparilla, and rough Bindweed of Peru. Zebedée: f. A double Damaske Rose.
Zec: m. Reed to thatch houses with.
Zecchin: m. A Venetian coyne of gold, worth about 5 s. sterl. Zedoaire: f. The root of Anthora, or wholesome wolues-*bane, called also, Monkes-hood or Helmet-flower, and Aconits mithridate; And this doe some stile Zedoaire d'Auicenne: Others call worme-seed Semen Zedoariæ, or Zedoar-seed. Zedoaire de Serapion. An East-Jndian root which resembleth ginger, but is more bitter in tast, and better in smell, then it, though not so strong in eyther as it.
Zein as Zain. Zelateur: m. A zealous, or iealous person.
Zelatif: m. iue: f. zealous, or iealous.
Zele: m. Zeale; earnest affection, loue, enuy, emulation; extreme care, exceeding desire to doe a thing.
Zelé: m. ée: f. Zealous, iealous; feruent, earnest, or affectionate, in extremitie.
Zeler. To be zealous, or iealous of; to emulate, or enuy; to affect extremely; to haue an exceeding care of, or desire vnto.
Zelotopie: f. Jealouslie.
Zelote: com. Iealous, or zealous.
Zelotype. com. as Zelote. Zenith: m. Our Zenith; or the point of the firmament which is directly ouer our heads.
Zephyre: m. the West-wind.
Zero: m. A Cypher in Arithmetick; a thing that stands for nothing; whence; Se reduire au Zero. To bring himselfe to th' wallet; to ruine his fortunes, to spend or consume all.
Zest: m. The thicke skin, or filme whereby the kernell of a wall-nut is diuided. Il ne vaut pas vn Zest. He is not worth a dodkin, straw, rush, a pinnes head, the taking vp.
Zest. A voice resembling, or expressing the noise made by a iert, stripe, yarke, thwack, &c.
Zibelline: f. The Sable Martin.