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BEN i8 BEZ Bend-per, indented bowed, POMETTEE. P. l8, f. 45. INDENTED INTO THREE POINTS TREFOILED. P. I9, f. IQ. - Nebuly. p. ig, f. 7. NUEE, DOUBLE GORED, Or DOUBLE ARCHED. Also termed tranche en nuage, and arondie dexter-per-bend. P. ig, f. II. TWO PILES, TRIPLE POINTED BOWED AND COUNTERPOSED. P. ig, f. 17. IN POINT TO SINISTER. P. I9, f. lO. IN POINT URDE. P. ig, f. 8. AlsO termed per bend champion to the sinister. POINTED WITH A BALL. P. I9, f. 12. Also termed per bend archee, reversed in the middle a pomel. COUNTER POMETTEE. P. ig, f. 25. SINISTER. P. 2, f. 7. SINISTER IN AILE. P. ig, f. I4. Also termed per-bend bande. SINISTER IN FORM OF LlONS' MOUTHS. P. ig, f. 18. TREBLE ARCHED, Or GORED TO THE SINISTER. P. ig, f. 13. URDEE. P. ig, f. 3. WAVED AND COUNTER TREFOILED. P. ig, f. 20. POINTS Bendy barry sinister. P. 2, f. 34. P. ig, f. 22. FOILS OF LEAVES. COUNTERPOSED. WAVED V/ITH P. ig, f. 23. Bende, or Bendys. The old way of spelling bend and bends. Bending, Rebending. The same as bowed, or embowed. Bendlet, or Bendil. A diminutive of the bend. P. 17, f. 2. Bendlets. Two and three. P. 18, f. 34, 35. and 36. P. ig, f. 28. Bendwise, Bendways, or In Bend. A term to express the position of charges when placed obliquely, re- sembling a bend either dexter or sinister, as P. 17, f. 45. P. 6, f. 11 and 20. Bendy. Is when the field is equally divided bendways and may be of any number of parts. P. 18, f. 37, and 38. OF SIX and Bendy of eight. P. 2, f. II and 12. P. 18, f. 37 and 38. of six, per bend sinister counter- charged. P. 18, f. 40. Angled, Rectangled, acute or beviled angled in the same form as bends. P. 18, f. 42. barried. p. 18, f. 44. BARRY. p. 2, f. 35. BARRY DEXTER AND SINISTER. P. 2, f. 36. Barry bendy lozengy. P. 2, f. 35, and barry indented. P. 2, f. 36. - FUsiLV, or Fusily-bendy. p. 18, f. 32- - LOZENGY. Same as Bendy paly. P. 22, f. 21. LOZENGY BARRY. P. 2, f. 35. MASCULY. P. 18, f. 33. - PALY, or Paly-bendy. P. 2, f. 32. SINISTER OF six. P. i8, f. 3g. SINISTER PALY, Or PaLY BENDY SINISTER. P. 18, f. 41. P. 2, f. 33. OF SIX ANGLED. P. l8, f. 42. Bendys. See Bende. Bengal Tiger. P. 28, f. 13. Beque, or Beaked. A bird is termed beaked, when its bill is of a different tincture from the body. Berly. An ancient term for barry. Besanty. See Bezantee. Besaunte. a be"::nt. P. :. Beset. Surrounded, as a bee hive beset with bees diversely volant. P. 30, f. 20. Besom, or Broom. P. 42, f. 4g. Betony-leaf. P. 45, f. 26. Between. A term applied to the prin- cipal charge occupying a central position as a cross betw. four roses. P. 7, f. 2 ; a chev. between three martlets. P. 8, f. 21. P. 14, f. 6. P. 17, f. 21. P. ig, f. 21, etc. Bevelded. See Beviled. Bever, or Vizor. Sec Beaver. Bevil, Bevel, or Bevile. Is a line cut off in its straightness and is termed angled and beviled. P. i. P. 4, f. 27. Beviled, or acute-angled. P. iS, f. ig. Beviled-double. p. 18, f. 8. Bevy. A term used to express a com- pany or number of Roses, etc., same as a cluster or bunch. Bezant, Besant, or Besaunte. A round flat piece of gold, which was the current coin of Byzantium. Sup- posed to have been first introduced into coat armour at the time of the Crusades. It is sometimes called a " Talent," the emblem of Justice, and equal dealing among men. P. 1. Bezantee, Bezantie, or Bezanty. The field, or any charge is said to be be- zantee when indiscriminatel}' strewed- over with Bezants. Also expressed by the term Semee of Bezants.