CHE 29 CHI P. 16, P. 16, P. 15, Point. Chevron open at the top, or burst. P. 16, f. 3. Oppressed, or Surmounted. P. 16, f. 19. Paletted, or chev. and palet con- joined. As two chevrons and palet conjoined, P. 16, f. 8. Pattee at the point, p. 15, f. 35. IN Point embowed. P. 15, f- 31. per-pale. p. 16, f. 25. per-pale and per chevron. f. 26. Pierced with an arrow. f. 17. Pierced VvTth a bend. P. 16, 1. 16. Pierced with a barrulet debruised on the sinister side, P. 16, f. 15, Pierced with a Fesse debruised on the sinister side. P. 16, f. 22. and Pile counterchanged. P. 6, f. 32. Potent. P. 15, f. 17. Potent-counter-potent. f. 18, Potent, ringed at the More properly a Cliev. potent at tlie point and ringed. P. 15, f. 3.5.. - Quarterly. P. 16, f. 26. Removed. P. 16, f. 5. Recoursie, Clechee, or Percee. P. 15, f. 7. Reversed. P. 15, f, 43. RoMPU, double-dov/ncet, double- downsett, or Coppee. P. 16, f. i. Severed, or Burst. P. 16, f. 3. Split. P. 16, f. 3. Supported with a beam and Stand- ard, P. 16, f. g. Surmounted. P. 16, f. 19. Surmounted of another. P. 15, f.g. Triparted, or Treble-parted. P. 15, f. 39. Urdee. p. 15, f. 19. Urdee Champained. P. 15, f. 20. Voided of another engrailed. P. 15, f. 10. Voided. Cannot be distinguished from Couple-closes, P. 15, f. 4 and II, Per or Per-Chevron, or Party per chevron. Expresses the field or any charge when divided by such a line as helps to make the Chevron. P. 2, f, 4, and P, 16, f. 30 and 31. These lines are siibject to all the accidental forms of lines, as Per Chev. Engrailed, In- vecked, Nebulee, Wavy, etc. Per. chev. crenellee f . 32. PER and pile. p. 6, f. 43. Per Pale and per chevron, P. 2, f, 8, Chevronelly, See Chevronny. Chevronel, or Cheveronel, A dimi- nutive of the Chevron. P, 15, f. 2. Three cheveronels f. 41. Three cheveronels braced f. 40. Chevronels, or Cheveronels braced, or interlaced. P. 15, f, 40. Chevronny, Cheveronny, or Chev- ERONEE. A term to express the field or any bearing, when divided into equal parts by lines in the form of chevrons, the number of pieces must be named. P. 16, f. 33. Chsvronways, or Cheveronwise. When figures or charges are placed in the position of the chevron. Chevrons, two arched, couched, springing from the dexter and sinister sides of the shield. P. 16, f. 10. Chevron's, two arched, couched and FRETTED. P, l6, f, II, Chevrons, two Couched, dexter and SINISTER, P, 15, f. 45. Chevrons, two in Counterpoint. P. 15, f, 44. Chevrons, two in Fret. P. 5, f. 42. Chevrons, couched, fretted and couped. p. 16, f, 14. Chevrons three, P, 16, f. 23, Chevin. Se; Chub, Chewerond, A Cheveron, Cheyne, See Chene, Cheynyd. Same as chained. Chief, from the French Chef. Which means the head or uppermost position of the shield. It is one of the honour- able Ordinaries and occupies one third cf the upper part of the fi.eld. P. 12, f. I. Gu. a Chief or. The Arms of Hampstead. The Chief may be of any of the forms of lines used in heraldry. When the Chief is Charged with any figure, in blazon it is said to be " On a Chief" P. l:i, f. 2. But when any charge is placed in the upper part of the shield, in the place of the Chief it is said to be " In Chief" i. 3. Chief Ajoure. P. 22, f. 9, Angled, P. 12, f. 20. Arched, f. 37. Arched Double, f. 38, Beveled, f, 22, Bordered, or Bordured. f. 24. Champaine, f. 8. Champournet. f. 39. Champourn- ated, f. 40, Chappe. f, 43. Charged, f. 25, 28, 33 and 45. Charged Vv'ith a Chapournet,
- . f. 39.
Chausse, p. 22, f, 8.