Page:A dictionary of the Manks language (Cregeen).djvu/13

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76. There are other words that require the change of y to i; as, cabbyl (a horse); cabbil (horses), &c.


77. Of the termination of verbs, or the compounding of auxiliary verbs, pronouns, &c., to the verbs.—AGH, added to a verb, is used with all the nominative pronouns, except I; as, he, eh; they, ad; we, shin; she, ee; you, shiu; thou, oo, &c., as the words may require; and means would or wouldst, could or couldst, might or mightest, &c., do the action of the verb; or would or wouldst, &c., not do the action of the verb; as the verb berr (overtake); berragh eh (he would, &c., overtake); or, cha berragh oo (thou wouldst not overtake); &c., &c.

78. AIL, joined to a verb, signifies ing in English; as, baar (spend); baarail (spending); faag (leave); faagail (leaving); &c.

79. AL, added to a verb, has the same meaning as ail, ing, in English, and may be termed the grand Manksifier-general of English verbs; as, trying, tryal; fixing, fixal, &c., &c; but not to the credit or honour of those who so make use of it.

80. EE. This added to a verb, and used with the nominative pronouns (except I or she) means will or wilt, shall or shalt, perform the action of the verb to which it is annexed; or will or shall not perform the action of the verb, as set forth in remark 77, on agh; that is, would; and this is, will and shalt do.

81. EIL. This, as well as ail and al, when added to a verb, means ing; as, dooytei (doubting); treishteil (trusting).

82. EY. This syllable, also added to a verb, corresponds to the English ing, or the doing or performing the action of the verb to which it is annexed; as, gobbraghey (working); fluighey (wetting), &c.

83. IN. This termination, which always requires to be sounded as if written ihn, partakes of the nature of the auxiliary verb would and the pronoun I; as, berr (overtake); berrin (I would overtake), and when so joined together is called pronominal.

84. INS. This termination to a verb is the emphatic, absolute, certain, especial or particular of the preceding in, is that case to the verb to which annexed, and always requires to be sounded as if written ihns; as, berr (overtake); berrins (I would, emphatically, absolutely, or certainly, &c. overtake).

85. IT or T. These terminations, which answer to the English ed, must, to retain the proper Manks sound, be pronounced as if written iht, and ht, and partake of the nature of an adjective. Added to a verb it becomes a participle. There are many words of this part of speech in English that do not admit of ending in ed; as, grown, found, lost, worn, &c.; yet these all end in it or t in the Manks; as, aasit, feddynit, cailt or caillit, ceaut, &c.

86. YM. This syllable, which partakes of the nature of the pronoun I and the auxiliary verb wilt, added to a verb, signifies that I will do or suffer the action of the verb to which applied; as, berr(overtake); berrym (I will overtake), &c.

87. YMS, it may be said, is the same to ym, as ins is to in, the absolute, certain, especial or emphatic of ym; as, berr (overtake); berryms (I will emphatically overtake.)

88. YS. This termination, and ee, added to verbs, is nearly of the same import; but it is my opinion that the ys means shall or shalt do the action of the verb; and ee, will and wilt; but the translators of the Scriptures into our language use it for both. This syllable, added to a verb, should always be employed where two or more words that are sounded alike happen together; as, ee ee ee (she will eat). When these occur, we generally say ee ys ee (she shall or will eat). This postfix is undoubtedly used in the subjunctive mood for eat, eats, eateth, eatest, &c; as, my eeys, eh, ad, oo, &c. (if he eats, if they eat, if thou eateth); my eeys doonney (if a man eat, shall eat, or eateth); and so of other verbs. In Genesis ii. 17, we have son er y laa eeys oo jeh (for in the day thou eateth thereof); and in the xiv. chap. 15, it is, qudi erbee varrys cain (whosoever slayeth Cain). This termination is also used in apposition; as, s shoh yn dooinney obbyrys diu (this is the man that will or shall work for you).


89. Of the forming of adjectival nouns, or substantives made of adjectives, in the Manks, by the addition or changing of a syllable in the termination of a word, corresponding to the English ness, ty, &c.—The most common of these are id and d, which require to retain the Manks sound, and pronounced as if written ihd, and hd. These syllables are sometimes added to the adjective; as, bioyr (brisk); bioyrid (briskness); bouyr (deaf); bouyrid (deafness); mooar (big or great); mooad (greatness), &c.

90. Some adjectival nouns are made by a part of the adjective being changed; as, jooigh (greedy); jooid (greediness); berchagh (rich), berchid (richness), &c.

91. Other adjectives are changed for the most part; as, giall (bright or white); gillid (brightness); marroo (dead); merriuid (deadness), &c.

92. Some other adjectives require jid in place of the latter syllable; as, millish (sweet); miljid (sweetness); yrjid (heighth or highness), &c.

93. YS and S are sometimes added to the adjective, and at other times placed instead of the last syllable or part; as, dorraghey (dark); dorraghys (darkness); though the change to