Chika, gripes in the stomach; any sudden and violent pain in the stomach.
Chika-chika, the fire-fly. Elater noctilucus.
Chikal, the first born, the eldest child; the first or prime of anything; one of the chief divinities of the Badui is called Chikal.
Chikaniki, name of a river which flows from the Gunung Kěndang over the Nanggung and Jambu Estates, into the Chidani. Kaniki is not Sunda, so we are driven to attempt an etymology in Sanscrit. Kanyaka, C. 104, a girl, a maiden. The word is further rendered female by making it termate in i. Chikanyaki = Chikanikī, maiden river. See voce Kaniki. (Kanî means also a girl, Kanika is very small; cf. kana and kanaka (both with the cerebral n) small. Only a form kaniki or kaniki seems not to exist in Sanskrit. Fr.)
Chikénéh, just now, a short time ago.
Chiki-ih, piddle, urine, stale. Also some liquid compounds especially for soaking thread which has to be dyed; a mordant in this latter sense.
Chikuah, name of the ingredients for dying thread of a red colour, after they have been boiled together.
Chikur, an aromatic plant of which the root is much used when bruised in all native medicine. Kaemferia Galanga, called in malay Kěnchur.
Chiladaěun, name of a river in Bantam falling into the Chibérang. See Ladaeun. It is warmer than the Chibérang.
Chilěgok, holding open the mouth, pouring in water and swallowing it as it falls.
Chilénod, swept away by water, floated away.
Chilěpot, just done, just let go, this instant finished. Just started.
Chilětu, said of paddy when just a few heads or ears begin to show themselves. In the act of coming into ear.
Chilěuh, the mucous matter which forms in the eye.
Chilěungchang, rain water on the surface of the ground; rain water which soon drains away.
Chilěungchangan, said of rain which has been hard enough to run on the surface of the ground.
Chilik, a petty mandor in Bantam. Chili, little in Javanese. (Chilik is also Javanese Fr.)
Chilingching, a liane or creeper in the jungle, lasts well in water.
Chimata, a tear, literally „water of the eye".
Chimata-an, crying, literally „giving out water from the eye".
China, a Chinaman; the country China.
Chinchang, to chop, to cut in small pieces.
Chinchěratan, a species of Nauclea; a good timber tree.
Chinchin, a ring, either to wear on the finger, or for any other purpose.
Chindawa, Saltpetre. Chindawa is probably a corruption of Sindudbhawa, C. 734 rock salt, derived from Sindu C. 733 the ocean, the sea, the Indus; the Countrv along the