Chuchuk, thorns, sharp spines on plants, or in the gills of some fish.
Chuchunduk, flowers or ornaments stuck in the handkerchief above the ear, when worn by men. See Wiraga.
Chuchung'uk, a cock-roach, a variety of the cock-roach insect.
Chuchurut, the musk rat, called in Malay Chinchurit. Chunchu, Cuchichundari, C. 200, the muskrat. (At Batavia Chrurut).
Chuchut, a shark, which are very large and very plentiful in the seas round Java.
Chuhchur, a variety of kuéh or native pastry.
Chuhchur, a bird which makes a loud noise, particularly on moonlight nights, sounding like a carpenter dubbing or squaring a piece of wood, to which the natives compare it. A Goat-sucker. Podargus Javanensis of Horsfield.
Chuka, vinegar. Chukra, C. 200, sour, acid; acid seasoning; also the Tamarind tree; sorrel. Chuka in Sanscrit is vinegar, Crawfurd's dessertation Page 117. (?).
Chukang, a bridge. Anything as a stick or bambu laid across running water or a gap, over which a man may pass.
Chukangkang, a liane in the forest. Hoya multiflora.
Chuk-chelok, first in one place and then in another; often removing or changing place of abode. Erratic.
Chuké, tax or toll paid to government. The proportion of the crop which a landholder gathers in kind, as the corp comes off the ground.
Chukit, to put or yoke an animal especially a buffaloe , to a cart or plough , and start him off.
Chukul, getting what one wants; abundantly rewarded, successful.
Chukup, sufficient in number, or quantity; complete-Possessing the means to accomplish any end.
Chukupkĕn, to supply all that is wanted, to complete.
Chukup-lumur, hushing up a story, or impleasant occurrence. Hayang ménta chukup-lumur bai, I am desirous of having the matter hushed up.
Chukur, to shave. Péso-chukur, a knife to shave; a razor.
Chul, the idiomatic expression of throwing away or abandonning; of letting go anything which we hold. Chul bai di picheun and away he ftung it.
Chula, a Rhinoceros horn, or any single horn projecting from the snout. An opprobrious name for a good for nothing fellow. Chula, C. 200, a lock of hair left on the crown of the head; a crest; a peacock's crest (35).
Chulak-chilĕk, staring about; peeping and peering every where. Confused and looking wildly in all directions without knowing what to do.
(35) Chûdâ (with cerebral d which in pronounciation resembles to l) has in Skr. the meanings given by Clough, besides that of top, summit etc. Fr.