Daro, the ancient name of the Sultan’s Canal cut from the Chidurian by Sultan Tirta Yasa. Perhaps this name is the Sanscrit Daru, C. 267, a giver, a donor, one inclined to make gifts: a liberal and munificent man, thus conveying an idea of the munificence in causing such a work to he accomplished. (Dåru is Skr.)
Darurung, the rafters of a flooring, to which the planks are nailed , and in a native's house the round bambu rafters on which are laid the Palupuh or flooring of the house, and which are tied together by the sarang , or slips of split bambu. See Sarang.
Dasar, custom, habit, practice. Dasar na, because, for the reason that.
Dasar, bottom, the floor of any place; the lowest layer of anything. The bottom. The bottom of water, the bed of a river. The floor or ground under any water. To nepi ka dasar, It does not reach the bottom.
Dasar, name of the flat ground which surrounds the Bromo in Probolingo. The Bromo is the crater or central mount in this extraordinary Volcano. Probably it has its ori gin in Dahasara , C, 268 , from Daha, burning, Sara to go , a place where dead bodies are burnt, Dahasara would easily contract into Dasar. Offerings are still made in the Dasar by the Tenggerese to the ancient heathen gods of Java. In Hindu times the Bromo may have been looked upon as a natural burning place made by the gods.
Daster, Persian, a turban, such as worn by Hajis.
Dat, devine essence , substhnce, Properly zat which is arabic.
Datang, to come , to arrive. Unto, until. Geus datang, he has come, Datang ka anggeus, until it is done.
Datangkēn, to cause to come , to produce, to bring forward.
Datar, flat , in contradistinction to hilly.
Datu, chief, chieftain; used of foreign chiefs , not those of Sunda. Datu Palémbang, such a chief of Palembang. It seems to be a modification of the more usual word Ratu.
Daud, arabic. David.
Dauk, iron-grey , the colour of a horse.
Daulat, a r : Prosperity, welfare, fortune, wealth; Prosperons, fortunate. Crawfurd. See Dadaulatan.
Daun, a leaf; also sometimes heard as Dawon. The word is probably derived from Dahu, a period , a particular time , or season , and compounded with an is Dahuan, which by usual contraction would become Dahon or Dawon, and would then signify anything having a periodicity. This idea of periodicity has been applied to leaves from seeing them fall off and change , whilst the stem or tree remained permanently. Many trees in the tropics cast their leaves entirely before getting a new crop, though the usual rule is , that the change is made imperceptibly.
Daun aksara, the alphabet leaf, A small but very curious and pretty leaf which grows on a humble plant, generally on a lump of rock in a moist mountainous position. The marks are thought to represent the Alphabet.