Désa, country, region, village-little used, and not applied to the villages as in Javanese. Desa, C. 288, a country, a region whether inhabited or uninhabited. Guru-desa, the village monitor, the constellation Pleiades. (In Bali this constellation, Kréttiká, Skr, is also the monitor for rural occupations. Fr.)
Děuděu1, a stanchion, a prop, a shore.
Děuděulěuhan, sight. See Děulěuh.
Děuděur, beaten as a path, worn smooth by frequently passing over.
Děuhěus, near, close, in proximity. Ngadeuheusan, to approach, to draw near to. Deuheus ka imah, near to the house.
Děui, again, more. Siji deui, one more. Sakali deui, once more. Deui di peupeuliken, again I told him.
Děukěut, near, close to, nigh. Deukeut ka lumbur, close to the village. (Malay děkat; Jav. (jav))
Děukěutan, to go near to, to approach.
Děukěutkěun, to bring close, to cause to come near.
Děulěuh, to see, to view ; behold! look! Deudeuleuhan, sight.
Děung'an, other people, strangers; no relation, not of our family. Di chachag deung'an, strangers have chopped him, or wounded him. Ka jéléma eta ma, děungan bai, to that man I am no way related.
Děung'děung'an, other folks, the rest of the people; some one else than ourself.
Děupa, a fathom; as much as a man can embrace with two arms extended. (Malay dépa).
Děurěus, seeing that, taking into consideration that; deureus ku anyar kénéh, seeing that it is so new. Also said of any improper act that is presumingly often repeated, Deureus teuyn sia laléwa you too often repeat your monkey tricks.
Déwa, a heathen god , divinity. Deities of the Hindu mythology. Dewa, C. 285, a deity, a god, a divine being. In old Javanese history Dewa, is often applied, as is still the case on Bali, to Kings or supreme rulers. Dewa kusuma, is the name of a King of Janggala, celebrated in Javanese romance, and Dewa Agung, is still the nominal supreme king of Bali, and ruler of the petty state of Klongkong.
Déwata, a heathen god, a deity; sometimes a demon, Dewata, C. 286 , a god, a deity, any divine person.
Déwék, I, mine. Using this word the person neither puts himself very high nor very low. It is thus a rather independent appellative of self.
Déwi, a goddess; the feminine of Dewa which see. Dewi, C. 87, the feminine of Dewa. Dewi Sri, the goddess Lakshmi , the deity of prosperity , Ceres.
Di , a particle prefixed to a verb , by which it becomes passive, in the same way as in Malay. Di béré, it was given. Di gitik, he was thrashed. Di buka, it was opened.
Di, the preposition at, in, upon. Di handap, below. Di imah, at home; Di jero, inside; Di luar, outside. By seeking in the dictionary for the word which follows di, the