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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/216

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mune. Its native country appears to be the Moluccos, but it is now plentifully planted about the European towns in Java, and used for shading the public roads.

Kanas, a Pine apple. Name derived from the European word Ananas. It grows now very abundantly every where, but has always been planted by man. Bromelia Ananas.

Kanchana, golden, gold. Kāchana, C. 118, turmeric; also the name of several plants and trees, which they bear in consequence of the yellow colour of their flowers, as the Champaka &c. (Kȧnchana Skr. Means gold; it is very common word in Kawi; the Javanese called formerly the southern part of Borneo Nusa Kanchana, the island of gold. Fr.)

Kanchara, name of the largest and best fish of the mountain rivers. Called in Malay Tambra. (Perhaps called Tambra from the copper-colour of one species Fr.)

Kanchěuh, fallen ill again in sickness; having got a relapse.

Kanching, a button; a bolt, a peg of wood or iron driven in to hold same other object fast. (Jav. Mal. idem.)

Kanchingan, to fasten with a Kanching; to bolt, to bar, to button. To fasten by driving in a peg.

Kancholah, a Braggadocio, a swaggerer. Said of a man who wants to carry every thing with a high hand.

Kanchur, the metal of a cast iron pan worked up for an inferior kind of steel.

Kandang, a pen, a fold, inclosure, shed for cattle. (Mal. Jav. idem (Symbol missingJavanese characters)).

Kandang Wěsi, Iron cage. A place so called in ancient Javanese history, and most probably in Jampang of the Prianger Regencies.

Kandar, to drag, to pull along, to haul.

Kandas, aground, ashore, grounded. Cleaned out, all gone to the last article. Said of any article which was being distributed, but is now done.

Kandayan, part of the native weaving apparatus. The frame for holding the Kėrékans, when the pattern is given to the cloth, and then would round the Pihanéan.

Kandayang Tani, a female character. A sort of goddess presiding over agriculture. Kānana, C 118, a forest, a grove, and Dayang, vide voce. Tani in Sunda, industrious. Thus the „Forest-damsel who is industrious”. Agriculture began by felling the forest and making humahs.[1]

  1. The Sanscrit word kȃnda (with two cerebral letters) has besides other significations, for instance „a chapter of a book” also that of „opportunity, season”; yang will be nothing else than hyang, as explained in this dictionary sub voce, cf. Guriang, sang hyang, Kamalȃ hjang etc. Kȃnda (h)yang tani appears thus to be the goddess of season, of the just time (for working the field.) Tani means in Javanese and Balinese „the agriculturists, the country people” in opposition to the lazy people of the towns (něgara, nêgrȋ) who live with the princes and other great men. In the mouth of the country people means wong tani certainly a brave, honest, industrious man, but with the people of the towns it has rather the meaning of a brutal, not civilized fellow, who is only good