patut, what is proper-proper, fit. R. van Eysinga's Javanese Dictionary 1835. Janghâ C. 208. The calf of the leg.
Kangjěng Sinuhun, a title addressed to an Emperor or king, and may be translated. "Your royal feet which are besought", or in general terms. "Your illustrious Highness".
Kangkaréng, a variety of Buceros bird.
Kangkong, a kind of frog or toad which makes a great noise in wet weather. Rather smaller than the Bangkong.
Kangkowak, any seed or fruit which has sprouted, but only as yet got seedling leaves.
Kangkung, Ipomaea reptans, a variety of Boléd, only it is smaller in both leaf and potatoe. It has a similar root. It can be dug in 4 or 5 months, whereas Boléd riquires much longer time to come to perfection.
Kangkurahan, to rince, to clean with water, especially a bottle. (Jav. (Javanese characters) Kurah, to rince the mouth. Also Kěkurah).
Kanigara, viz Kěbo Kanigara, a chief of Pajang, second son of Andaya ning rat, by one of the daughters of Browijaya and the princess of Champa. Khani, 158 the sun. Agāra, C. 61, a house. The house or abode of the sun.
Kaniki or Chikaniki, a river flowing from the Gunung Kendang over the Jambu Estate into Chidani river. The word Kaniki is not Sunda, but may be Sanscrit and the feminine of Kanika Clough 103 very small. Mr. Friederich supplies me with the Sanscrit word Kanika, a small particle. In the feminine, an atom, small, minute. The Chikaniki is only small in comparison with the Chidani into which it flows. Or the name may have originally attached to some of the upland branches of the stream The Chikaniki flows in front of the Passir Koléangkak on which is still found a rock fast in the earth bearing a Sanscrit inscription. Clough Page 158 gives Khanika from Khana, to dig, a miner, and also a rat, a house breaker; perhaps made Khaniki in the feminine for a river, and may have indicated the propensity of the river to undermine its banks, as nothing in the shape of a mine is known here. It may allude to the river having cut a deep bed in a narrow valley, as is the case in the upper part of its course. See voce Chikaniki.
Kanta, signs, gestures, such as a dumb man makes.
Kantéh, thread spun from cotton, twist, thread for weaving. Probably derived from Katinawa C. 99 to spin as thread.
Kantong, a pouch, a small bag of cloth which rolls up and in which are carried the Sěurěuh apparatus, a few doits or other trifles. The Kantong is worn stuk in the belt or Běuběur. (Bat. idem.)
Kantor, a government office. The Dutch word kantoor office; a place where public business is transacted.
Kanugrahan, in easy circumstances, in affluence, pleasant and easy. Anugraha, C. 29, favour, help, assistance, conferring benefits by promoting good and preventing ill.
Kanya, a virgin, occurs in the formation of some proper names in ancient history. Kanya, C. 104 a virgin, also one of the signs of the Zodiac-Virgo.