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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/220

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Kaparĕk, serviceable, as a person who is in great request.

Kapas, Cotton. Gossypium arboreum, and Gossypium Indicum, two varieties, the former perennial and growing in the villages about the houses; the latter an annual shrub planted in gardens made for the purpose. The name is probably of Indian origin and a modification of Karpāsa, C. 110. Cotton. Vide kapuk.

Kapas Chindé, a plant with a red flower, which yields a pod, with cottony filaments. Asclepias curassavica.

Kapas mori, a good variety planted for its cotton. Most probably mori is meant for mouri, moorish, or from Mauritius, and has thus been introduced by Europeans.

Kapĕndak, met, encountered, stumbled on. (Pĕndak (Symbol missingJavanese characters) the revolving of a certain time; the coming back of the same time; after elapsing of (for instance eight days.) Jav.)

Kapĕng, sometimes, as the case may be. Kapĕng na hadé, it is sometimes good. (Cf. Jav. Balin. Kaping. (See beneath sub voce).

Kapérad, met, spoken with; caught, secured.

Kapidengklung, name of a tall tree in mountain forests bearing a small oblong- round fruit, consisting of a very hard stone covered with an acidulous pulp which is eaten. Often also wrongly called Kopi Dĕngklung even by natives, because the fruit resembles that of the Coffee, and the initial Kapi is very close to Kopi. The tree is also Suraléh.

Kapidĕrĕng, foolishly meddling with what does not regard us.

Kapikir, to have regret — on reflection to think otherwise. (Jav. Mal. Pikir. Arab. Fikr. فِكْرٌ cogitatio, attenta consideratio. Fr.)

Kapila, a designation applied to certain black buffaloes which by some mysterious process gradually lose the black colouring matter of the hide, and turn white in blotches, especially along the sides, on the neck and about the head. — (Kapila, Scr. means tawny.)

Kapilangan, having become unconscious from sudden illness or a fit, but come to life again. Fainted away. (From Ilang.)

Kapinang'o, name of a forest tree which yields the disks for Pedaty wheels. Epicharis Altissima.

Kapindis, the swallow which builds the „Edible birds nest”; also sometimes the house swallow, which builds its nest under the eaves of houses.

Kapinĕura, said of old and former seeds which sprout up after the land has been cleared of jungle; not intentionally planted,

Kaping, properly composed of Ka and Ping. Ka is the preposition to, unto- and Ping partakes of the nature of an expletive which admits of no translation. Ulah kaping harĕup tĕuyn, ulah kaping buri tĕuyn, Do not go too much in front, do not lag too far behind. (Kaping is principally used before numerals, and is related to ing, ring, in. Fr).

Kapinis, the same as Kapindis, a swallow.

Kapir, Arabic, an unbeliever, an infidel. One who denies the unity of the Godhead, and the divine mission of Mohammed. Marsden Page 248. (كَافِرٌ Kafir, infidelis.)