Saha kara nu to datang, who, pray, is it who is not come. The word kara may be the crude part of the word Karanawa, C. 108, to do, to act, to make, to perform. See Perkara.
Karabu, an ear-ring with several stones or ornaments. Karabu-ros an earring with many ornaments. See Anting, which somewhat differs. (Ros is the Dutch word roos, a rose.)
Karak, pretty much of the same meaning as Kakarak, which see, and of which it appears to be an abbreviation. Only now, just now, freshly, as yet. Karak datang, just come. Karak siji, as yet there is only one.
Karaman, an idiomatic expression difficult to translate, but answers to- now that I think of it, now that I see it, &; it indicates surprise on the part of the speaker. Karaman luhur now that I see it, how high it is! Karaman ganchang, how quick it goes.
Karamat, Arabic, a place of offering, a holy place; an intercedence, a miracle. The graves of holy men are called Kramat, and here offerings and prayers are put up when the native is in difficulty. (كرامة, Karâmat, dignity, honour; plur. كرامات, karâmât, wonders edited by holy man, by their natural power. Fr.)
Karang, a wart on the body.
Karang, Coral rock, limestone rock in general found inland far from the sea. The coral rocks have no doubt obtained this name from exhibiting the appearance of a garden growing under the waves, consisting of branching corals, madrepores &c.
Karang, a garden, ground laid out, or set in order like a garden. The natives call the Bantam hill Gunung karang, which thus properly means, Garden mountain, from its having, no doubt from an early period, been laid out in gardens, of which the Pepper gardens still existed when Europeans first visited Java, and hence called by the Dutch the Peper berg. It is a volcanic mountain, and no limestone is to be found near it. In the Sunda language there is also the word Pakarangan for the enclosure round the house of a great man, which see. The Malays use the word terkarang, set in order, arranged when speaking of a book; and měngarang, to compose, to arrange either a book or other matter.
Karang-sua, a sea urchin, called also Sasalakan. Cidaris.
Karap, waxed threads used at the weaving loom.
Karara-an, ill, in bad health. Sickness.
Kararanggé, a red ant common on fruit trees in gardens which bites very hard. They cement the leaves of trees together to form their nests.
Kararas, dry plantain leaves, used for tying up various articles, as we would use coarse paper.
Kararawéah, Couhage; a fine slender liane bearing pretty looking pods of fruit in bunches, but which are covered with a fine hair or pilae, which sting and cause great itching. Mucuna pruriens, also Dolichos pruriens. Crawfurd gives Karawia as Arabic for Caraway, Carum carui, and our word looks like a plural of this word, though one night suppose that the Sundas would have au indigenous name for so virulent a native plant.