Kěmbar, twins, two children at one birth.
Kĕmbu, a large standing pannier used in boats to collect and retain fish, as it is caught with the casting net. Derived in all probability from Buwu with the preposition ka.
Kĕmbung, swollen up, inflated, blown up, distended.
Kěmbung, a small sea fish so called.
Kĕméja, a shirt, as worm by Europeans. Camisa, Port: a shirt. (See Kaméja.).
Kĕmĕndur, a commodore, a title given to some petty native chiefs about Batavia. Is the Dutch word Commandeur.
Kĕmit, a watchman about a dwelling house or store. A watchman in general, and especially at night. (Jav. Kěmit, to watch at wigth.).
Kěmpés, small in volume, in a small compass. Said of a swelling which has gone down; reduced as a swelling.
Kĕmpis a small pannier to collect fish in as caught. It has a wide bottom and narrow neck, like a bottle.
Kémpolkĕn, to bend aside; to turn away or aside.
Kěmudi, a helm, a rudder; a paddle or sweep to steer with. (See Kamudi.)
Kěn, a particle placed after a word, which then becomes a transitive verb; as goréng, bad, goréngkĕn, to make bad. Suka, pleasure, sukakĕn, to grant, to have pleasure in
Kěncha, left, the reverse of right. Lĕungan ti kéncha, the hand on the left, the left hand. Ka kéncha, to the left.
Kéncha-an, to stretch out a rope in order to mark out work, where to cut the ground. To line out ground for a garden bed or the like.
Kénchang, fixed, fast, firmly set in, tight. Quick, expiditions, smart. Severe, strictly adhering to regulations.
Kénchangan, to set fast, to tighten. To hurry.
Kénchéng, money down; for ready money, for cash.
Kénchérkěn, to turn out cattle from the Kandang, stable or place of confinement. To turn out to graze.
Kéndak, a paramour.
Kĕndal, name of a district in the residency of Samarang. In a country where so many remains of Hindu antiquity are found, it is not unreasonable to suspect a Hindu origin in all names of places which are not evidently Polynesian. Crawfurd gives Kěndalisada, name of the country of Hanuman in the Ramayaua; name of a mountain in the province of Samarang in Java and from this probably our Kĕndal is derived.
Kěndang, a roll or large package of anything. A roll of merchandise.
Kěndang, a long narrow native drum only covered atone end, and often carried suspended under the arm.
Kěndang, viz. Gunung Kèndang, the name of a ridge of mountains which extends the whole lenght of Java, and is found of various elevations, from a few hundred to several thousand feet. It is, as it were, the backbone of the Island of Java. It forms