Kërung, hollow, concave, bending inwards.
Késang, perspiration, sweat. Késangan or Bijil késang, to perspire. (Bijil will be Jav. midjil, to come outside.)
Kĕsat, a dryness in the throat impeding articulation. Rough, not smooth.
Kĕsĕd, astringent in taste, tart like unripe fruit. Said of any fruit which has a harsh rough taste.
Késér and Késérkĕn, to hand round, to shove rouud, to distribute. To move sideways as people standing or sitting in a row.
Kĕsur, a large and thick rattan , always used to stretch across rivers in order to haul ferry-boats or rafts across.
Kĕtan, a variety of Paddy, Oryza glutinosa. It is of a clammy nature and used for sweet meats and Kwéh.
Kétan-nadin, such grains as look like common rice, but are said to grow on the same ear with kĕtan.
Kétél, Dutch ketel- a kettle.
Kéténg, in retail; anything sold in retail, or in small quantities.
Kĕti, one hundred thousand. 100.000. Koti, C. 145, a number, 100 lacks or ten millions- so that in Sunda, and the same is the case in Javanese and Malay- a wrong interpretation has been given to this word.
Këting, a kind of fish in the sea.
Kĕtok, to strike gently, to tap.
Kĕton, name of a piece of money; an old Dukaton of the value of about three guilders.
Kĕtrok, to knock, to tap, to strike, To strike somewhat harder than Kĕtok.
Kĕtruk, to knock, to bray, to strike, but in a somewhat harder way than when Kétrok is used.
Kĕtug, a noise heard occasionally among the mountains, of which the people tell many marvellous stories. The sound is like that of cannon, where no cannon are known to be. A superstitious idea regarding any sound, heard among the hills, of which the cause is not known.
Kĕtug, a small round brass musical instrument belonging to the Gamĕlan. It is smaller than the Kĕnong.
Kĕu-ĕum, to soak in water, to put under water to Soak. To run water on Sawahs or other ground which is to be inundated for purposes of cultivation.
Kĕu-ĕung, afraid, timid, timorous.
Kĕu-ĕus, the fruit of Kolé or wild plantain.
Kĕuhĕul, impatient with waiting; vexed by delay. Tired out.
Kĕukĕupan, to cuddle, to embrace.
Kĕuna, hit, struck, as anything which is shot at, or aimed at in any way. To incur, to be subjected to, as Kĕuna di béwat, he iucured a fine. Di bĕdil to kĕuna, it was shot at but not hit. (Kĕna Batavian, Malay, Jav., Kawi id. In Kawi it has also the