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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/265

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Langgar, a small house set apart for reading the Koran or for saying prayers, where there is no regular mosque; may be thus translated- a Mohammedan private chapel. See Sanggar.

Langgari, the spatha or case of the flowers of the Kawung palm, whilst yet close together and unexpanded.

Langgé, a large fishing net, like a bag, kept open by a circular hoop, and fastened to a long handle, with which to sweep in deep water for fish.

Langgir, a scorpion. Manuk langgir, the scorpion bird, a very pretty bird which burrows in soft banks, and is green and brown.

Lang'it, the sky, the heavens. (Jav. Mal. idem.)

Langka, C. 602 Lanka, the ancient name of Ceylon, much celebrated in Hindu history, as being the place where the famous Rawana had his capital.

Langka, no, not at all, decidedly not, none at all. Langka boga béas, I. have got no rice at all, Langka daik lĕumpang , he would not budge.

Langkah, a step, the distance which a man covers at every stride. (Jav. Mal. idem.)

Langkahan, to step over, to stride across.

Langkap, a variety of Palm tree, stem like Pinang, leaves like those of Kawung; wood is used for Baréra or the staff for striking the threads together in weaving.

Langlang, to visit and inspect, to patrol, to look after; to frequent and go along. Ari pagawéan tilok di langlang, if you never look after your work.

Lanjam, a plough-share, especially such as are used on the Chinese plough drawn by one buffaloe. The small rim of iron fixed on the share of a sawah-plough.

Lanjang, growing up to puberty. Budak lanjang, a young man or woman who has attained the age of puberty. (Jav. Lĕnjang , a woman of a tall and beautiful figure. At Batavia it means careless young people.)

Lanjung, having a headache; pain in the head.

Lantaran, having connection with, relating to, being concerned in or with. Lantaran mimiti unjal paré, relating to the time when we began to carry away the paddy. Lantaran harita about , or connected with that former period. (Jav. Lantaran , way , means , instrument.)

Lantayan, bambus tied horizontally to upright stakes, on which fresh cut paddy is hung to dry. The straw ends of the upper tier of bundles* of paddy are covered by a slip of atap or thatch to keep the rain . from penetrating downwards.

Lantaykĕn, to hang paddy on a lantayan.

Lantis, said when water touches the whole body, head and all; immersed.

Lantor, long and broad; said of an implement, as of a pachul or hoe.

Lantung, Petroleum; earth oil, a sort of natural tar found willing out of the ground in many parts of Java. (Jav. idem.)

Lanus, said of an infant growing ill and sickly, when the Dukun, or native doctor, not being able to assign any other cause, blames one or both the parents with indulging too much in carnal lusts.