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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/267

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Laut, the sea, the ocean. This word is apparently of Sanscrit origin and means Salt-water. Lawanoda, C. 605. Lawana, salt and Uda, water, the sea of salt water; and ought thus properly to be written Lawud, according to this etymology. The word Laut for sea, prevails most in Sumatra and Java, but does not appear to have penetrated into the Great Pacific. On the Western side of the Archipelago it is found in conjunction with Sagara , which is another Sanscrit term for sea. The furthest east where a word resembling Laut for sea is found, is on the Talaut islands, a group between Gilolo and Mindanao, where the word Lauri occurs for sea, which may be derived from La = Lawana C. 602 Salt, and Wari, C. 638 water. It is not a little strange that two Sanscrit words should be found in the Archipelago to represent the sea, both analyzable into salt water; yet that the word to express the idea of water is, in one case, Uda, and in the other Wari, two Sanscrit words, which point to a very early and extensive influence of the natives of continental India on this part of the world. The spice trade must have brought the navigators of the continent, and their name for the sea, to such remote regions.

Laut-kidul, the South sea, the sea to the South of Java, to which many mysterious influences are ascribed, as the Javanese know of no other land in that direction.

Lautan, the high seas, the open seas- Nyabrang lautan, to cross the seas.

Lawai, appearance, quality. Paré diga kiyo lawai na, paddy of this appearance.

Lawan, to oppose, to resist, to stand in pposition to, to compete with, to rival; an enemy, a foe, a rival, an antagonist; a match, a mate, a fellow.

Lawang, a door, a gate.

Lawangan, to set up a door; to put a door or gate in house or fence.

Lawas, old, ancient; a long time ago. Lumbur lawas. the old village. Gěus lawas, it is a long time ago. (Jav. Balin. idem.)

Lawayan, a bambu frame made like X, to wind thread upon, in order to be able to put it up in hanks.

Lawayan, as Tunjang lawayan, a diagonal prop or shore.

Lawé, thread for weaving, more usually called Kantéh.

Lawu, a mountain in Java, to the East of Solo, 10.414 feet high. It stands as an immense circular mass by itself, and hence probably its name of- the Gourd, as it is the same as Labu, C. 604, a gourd. Lawu, Wilsons Sanscrit Dictionary Page 754, a pumpkin, gourd; Cucurbita lagenaria. On the Lawu are found the old Hindu remains of Suku. The group of the Lawu seems more especially to bear Polynesian names, which have reference to vegetables or cooking. Thus a little to the South of the chief mass of the Lawu is the Gunung Baligo. The Baligo is a variety of gourd, the Cucurbita Villosa of Blume, and Léor of the Sunda language. Gunung kukusan, is a neighbouring mountain and means the conical basket in which rice and greens are steamed. Gunung kěndil, is another and means, a pan, a pot, a kettle.

Layang, to soar, to float in the air.