appears to be a form of majakkha, C. 505, the middle, the centre- thus a first warning, a middle warning, and a final warning, with which its position in the aphorism corresponds. (Maja is here a corruption of madhya, middle. Cf. Oesana Bali in „Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie“ Vol. IX. Part. 3 pag. 340. Fr).
Majakani, gall nuts, imported from Persia. Majja, C. 505, the marrow of the bones, pith, sap. Khani, C. 158 the Sun.
Majapahit, the name of an Empire on Java, towards its eastern extremity, before the introduction of Mohammedanism. Majapahit has its name from Maja, the fruit Crataeva marmelos, and Pahit bitter, Raffles Vol 2 page 98. The date of the foundation of Majapahit was Anno Javae 1221, to which must be added 78 years giving A. D. 1299. It was destroyed on the introduction of Mohammedanism at the close of the 15 Century. The ruins and remains of Majapahit are still found near Mojokĕrto in the residency of Sourabaya.
Majĕr, to have an idea, to be of opinion, to have an objection. Most commonly used along with Manéh, self, as majĕr maneh to make an objection, to suggest an idea. To bisa majĕr manéh he must comply, he can bring no objection, he can suggest no opposition.
Majir, a female animal, especially a buffaloe, which will not breed, will not bear young, but being generally fat and in good condition is frequently chosen to slaughter.
Maju, to go forward, to advance, to proceed. Maju ka jĕro, to proceed inwards. To tulus maju ka lĕuwĕung, the going into the forest did not take place. (Jav. Batav. idem.)
Maju and Majuhan, to eat greedily, to guzzle. (Kawi Majuh, to eat Gericke.)
Majum, oakum, made either of untwisted rope, or of the scrapings of dry bambus. (Chinese.)
Maka, let it be, cause to be. Maka ka jauh, cause it to go to a distance. Maka luhur, let it be high. Ulah maka ka mana mana, maka dĕukĕul, D'ont get yourself out of the way, remain near- or more literally d'ont cause yourself to go any where, let you be near. (Jav. Mongka (Javanese characters) and; now. Mal. Maka, and.)
Makasar, a nation and town on the west coast of Celebes, called by the natives themselves mangkasara.
Makaya, to excercise a trade or calling, to do something to gain a livelyhood. (From Kaya, Jav. goods, means. Mal. rich.)
Makbul, conceding , a prayer granted—getting what we pray for. (Arabic, مَقْبُولٌ maqbûl, acceptus, gratus.)
Makul, appropriate, convenient, fitted for the purpose, suitable. Makul, aribic, just, reasonable. Crawfurd. مَعْقُولٌ Ma'qûl.)
Makuta, a crown, a diadem. Makuta, C. 503, a crown, a headdress, a tiara. (Sct. Makuta and Mukuta).
Mal, corpus delicti in law questions. Some tangible proof of a crime or offence committed, as the goods stolen, the weapon with which a wound was given, or the like. (Perhaps مَالُ Mâl, property).