Mangka, the same as Maka, which see.
Mangkala, at what time, when, now if. Mangkala panas, lé — ćh at what time it becomes hot, it melts. Mangkala bijil, laju hibcr, now if it comes out, it immediately flies away. Kala, C. 120. time, period.
Mangkalan, to remove temporarily to any place for the purpose of some work. Mangkalan di humah, to remove to the humah while the paddy is growing. Mangkalan di lumbur batur , to take up one's quarters in a neighbour's village. See Pangkalan.
Mangkaluk, people, persons, fellows. A rather cavalier designation. It is the Arabic Makhluk, creatures, created beings. (Arab. مَخْلُوقٌ Makhlûq).
Mangkërëd, drawn together, shrunk within a small compass. Said of cloth which shrinks, or of a swelling or wound in the flesh which contracts.
Mangku, to take on the lap, to cause to sit on one's lap. See Pangku.
Mangku Bumi, a title for a person of high and noble birth; literally the man who holds the earth in his lap. Out of Java, in Malay states, the Mangku Bumi is the prime minister of State.
Mangku Rat, a title of distinction. One of the former emperors of Java was so called. Mangku, to carry on the lap. Rat the world, or country.
Mangkuk, to live at another man's house, and on his good nature; to sponge upon; to be perched with. To familiarly go and take up your quarters with any one.
Mang'lid, name of a large forest tree, with good sound, durable wood.
Mangparang, lying on the ground athwart or across your road; lying loose upon something else, athwart or across it, but not bound or fixed.
Mangsa, season, period of year; also especially of fruit ripening, fruit-season. Tachan datang ka mangsa na, it has not yet come to its period of the year. Sala mangsa, the interval between two seasons of the year. Mangsa is most probably a corruption of musa, C. 540, a month. See mangsi formed in same way from masi.
Mangsěuh, to go forward, to advance, especially in the teeth of danger, as to attack a wild beast or an enemy. To go forward to attack.
Mangsi, iuk, any black liquid prepared for writing or making black marks, as the black matter in the native carpenter's lining apparatus. Masi y C. 525 ink. Formed in same way as mangsa, from tmsa, which see.
Mani, semen virile. (Arab. ِمِفَي Mini).
Mani-is, name of a hill on Jasinga. Probably means the hill of cool breezes, from Ti-is, cool.
Manik Maya, the delusive gem, a romantic account of the origin of worldly things. Name of a Javanese work of which a translation is given in vol. 2 of Raffles , appendix II. being a sort of romantic account of ancient times. Mani, manikyaya, 536, a gem, a jewel, any precious stone. Maya, C. 537 philosophical illusion, idealism. Unreality of all worldly existence. Thus the „Gem of Illusion".