in these latter senses, is of rare occurrence, as the Sunda people have Běung'ěut, for countenance, and Harěup for front, in advance. Měunang muka, to get countenance; to have got a good face; to be in favour. (Muka, to open, is the same as the Malay bûka).
Muka, name of a wild animal, in shape and size like a common brown monkey, with white marks on its face and about its eyes, as if it had spectacles on. When caught it sits moping with its head held down on its chest. There are many superstitions regarding it, and it is thought unlucky to have it about a house. In Malay it is called Kukang, Marsden Page 275. Lemur tardigradus, or Stenops tardigradus.
Muka or Hoih Muka, name of a small worthless variety of Rattan.
Mukadas, Arabic, holy, sanctified, sacred. Hak mukadas, the holy truth. (Arab. Mokaddas مقدس).
Mukan, an apposite expression — it cannot be other than; the consequence will be; it might have been expected; at the first blush of a matter; my idea was; it appeared to me. Mukan pihadėan, it can never come to good. Mukan daik hadė horenganan goréng, my idea was that it would have been right, but it now proves wrong. Mukan paih, I thought he was dead.
Mukti, to obtain, to get what we want. See Bukti.
Muku, as for instance, par example, if after (some fashion). Muku di orang, if as with us, if after our fashion.
Mukung, bulging out, projecting in consequence of something applied at inner side. Bulging as a swelling on the body from a blow.
Mula, beginning, origin, cause. Mula, C. 552, origin, commencement.
Mulana, arabic, an expounder of the Mohammedan law. The name by which the first preachers, or propagators of Mohammedanism on Java are known, of whom was Shekh Ibn Mulana, and Mulana Hasan Udin, both of Cheribon; the latter founded the kingdom of Bantam. (Arab. مولانا Maulânâ, our teacher).
Mulapés, to break half through and hang down along the stem, as the branch of a tree. Said of fire which after burning fiercely collapses, or becomes considerably smaller.
Mulěk, to curl and hang round as smoke. Any subtle air or smoke finding its way about a person. Hasěup na mulěk bai kang aing, the smoke kept curling around me.
Mulěs, cholic, gripes, violent spasms. Běutěung na mulěs, to have griping in the belly.
Mulihan, to weed a humah for the second time. To go over a thing again.
Mulikat, good, prosperous.
Mulintang, a cross, athwart; only heard in conjunction with Malang, as Malang mulintang, athwart and across in all directions, sadly entangled. (Bat. Mělintang).
Mulud, another name for the Mohammedan month Rabiul awal, of which Mulud is properly the 12th. day being the anniversary of Mohammed's birth. During this month the natives visit their friends. Each village devotes one day of the month to keep the festival. Maulud in Arabic means nativity or birth.
Muluku, to plough, to turn up with the plough. (Jav. Waluku, a plough).