- tenzorg. For its foundation bij Chiung Wanara see Raffles, Java, vol.2 pages 100 — 104. The name is said to have been derived from a row of fern trees near wich the brothers Ariya Bang'a and Chiung Wanara had been fighting , but were reposing from their struggle. Paku in Sunda is a fern; the fern in this case was probably the mountain tree fern Paku-tihang. Pakuan, abounding in such ferns. Pajajaran, set in a row, from Jajar, a row; the whole place being called Pakuan Pajajaran, the place abounding with tree ferns growing in a row. Pajajaran was probably founded at the close of the 13 th century of the Christian era. Raffles, vol 2. page 98 gives the date of the foundation of Majapahit as anno Java 1221, to which must be added 78 years to give the Christian era A. D. 1299, and Pajajaran was founded at about the same period. Pajajaran was destroyed on the introduction of Mohammedanism about the close of the 15 th century, and this empire thus lasted for a couple of centuries, and had ceased to exist before A. D. 1500. In Pantuns is often heard the expression — Ratu Pakuan, Ménak Pajajaran, the Sovereign of Pakuan, and the nobles of Pajajaran.
Pajang, a petty principality near the old Mataram. An appanage of one of the princes of Demak, soon after the introduction of Mohammedanism, and from whom were descended the royal family of the princes of Mataram.
Pajar, to accuse, to charge with.
Pajĕg, a fixed tax. An amount of tax on land, not dependent on the actual crop, but on the land itself, and thus known before the cultivation of it is commenced. Firm unmoving, steady, fixed. Tihang na gĕus pajĕg , the post is firmly set (Jav. Ajĕg , to remain unmoved, steady, immutable. Jĕjĕg, idem).
Pajĕm on, an assembly, a collection of guests; many people. (Perhaps from ar. خَمَعَ , Jam'u, collection, multitude, from the verb خَمَعَ , jama'a, to collect, to congregate, wherefrom is derived خٌمّعَت , juma't , the day of congregation , i. e. Friday. Fr.)
Pajibur, overflown with water. Musim pajibur , the rainy season.
Pajirih, sneaking out of the way to avoid work. Unwilling to put out a hand to do any work. (Jav. Jirih, afraid, cowardly. Jĕrih, fearing, fearful?).
Paju, going forward, advancing. Guzzling, eating greedily. Di pajuan dĕui, he went at it again. Sia di paju maung mĕngké, you will be guzzled up bij a tiger. (Jav. idem, in the first signification).
Pak, the idiomatic expression of patting or striking gently; also of lying flat as if patted down, as Chĕpak, a level bit of land. Papak, level and even at the top. Tĕpak, to clap with the hands, to pat. Pak-prak, to clap or smak with the lips.
Pak, Dutch, a package, a bale of goods.
Pak, the Dutch word Pacht, a farm, a government farm. A department of government revenue farmed out to private individuals. Pak kulit, the farm of hides, the right to claim the hide or a duty on animals killed, especially of the buffaloes. Pak ma-dat, the opium farm. Pak Pasar, the market farm; the right of taking a toll from all