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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/36

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Anawadak, a Pelican, called in Malay Undan-Pelicanus onocrotolos.

Anchak, a kind of temporary platter, generally about 8 inches square, made of split bambu wattled together, with a bit of plantain leaf upon it. Such anchaks are especially used when making offerings at Kramats or ancient Balais, or to the tigers in the forest, where they are always left, and not used a second time.

Anchak, Ficus Rumphiï, a variety of fig tree, found about Batavia where it is also called Kayu Bodi; it resembles the Bo-gaha of Ceylon, which is the sacred tree of Buddha, of which circumstance Kayu Bodi may be meant to convey the idea, and may then have been imported into Java with the Buddhist religion, of which it forms so prominent a feature in Ceylon. Bo C. 480 a tree, the ficus religiosa. Dhi C. 302 understanding, intellect, knowledge, thus the tree of knowledge, or knowledge derived from this particular tree. Vide voce Bodi. (14).[1]

Anchěléh, sneaking off, trying to avoid work or trouble, working with indifference.

Anchik, to put up, to hang out, said of a person's abode. Sok anchik di imah batur, he mostly hangs out with the neighbours.

Anchol, a promontory, a headland, a projection into the Sea.

Andaya ning Rat, a celebrated chief of Majapahit and successful leader of the forces of his country. He is also known by the title of Ratu Pěngging. The king of Majapahit gave him his daughter in marriage, and afterwards, admitted him to a share in the government. Raffles vol 2 P. 121/3. Andaya C. 33, share, portion, part, Ning, of the—Rat, country. (Dâja Skr. portion an prefix. Fr.).

Andé, supposing that, a figure in argument.

Andé, a close companion, a confidential friend; much used in conjunction with Sobat, as Sobat andé, a determined friend.

Anděg, to slay in one's course, to stop suddenly while running.

Anděl, to believe, to place confidence in, to trust, to confide.

Anděr, an upright post which supports the ridge-pole of a house.

Andika, thou, you. as applied to a person on equality with ourself, the same as te Javanese handiko , to order, to give command. (Handiko in Javanese means also thou, you. Fr.).

Andis, a kind of swallow.

Andong, a species of very large bambu, also called awi gédé, the big Bambu, Bambusa maxima.

Andung, a variety of thin palm tree, used for spear handles.

Ang, unwilling, I won't, a child's expression.

  1. (14) Bodhi means in the first place understanding, in the second place the holy fig tree. Wilson. The tree received this name, because the Buddha received his understanding, or revelation, sitting in meditation under such a tree. Fr.