gumentative manner, accompanying himself on an instrument called a Kachapi. Tukang pantun, the man who tells the story of the Pantun, and is the actor on the occasion, though that consists in sitting still, playing on his Kachapi, and reciting his story.
Panuduh, an accuser. A person who discloses a crime.
Panuduh, the fore finger, the index finger, Explanation, instruction.
Panuhun, entreaty, solicitation. What is humbly requested.
Panuilan, anything used to assist in driving any object into a hole, as a piece of wood or iron, which being struck drives pegs of wood or nails deep into their places. A toothpick (from being used to drive meat from between the teeth). See Tuil.
Panuju, a dagger, usually called péso panuju, a stabbing knife. See Tuju.
Panulung, aid, assistance, help.
Panunggu, a guard, a watchman, a porter. A sentinel, a warder, a keeper. See Tunggu.
Panutup, termination, the last of anything; any piece laid on the top of a lot. The crowning piece. A bribe given to keep a bad matter secret. Derived from Tutup, which see.
Panyabrangan, a ferry, a place to cross a river at.
Panyabungan, a cock-pit, a place to fight cocks. The word occurs as the name of a village on the Jambu Estate, reported in old times to have been a great place for cock-fighting.
Panyakit, sickness, malady, disease. Sakit in Malay is ill, sick, diseased;—not used in Sunda.
Panyana, as I should have thought; as I should have imagined. Panyana mohal mĕunang, as I should have thought he would never have got it. This word is the Sanscrit Nyana, C. 216, or Gnyana, C. 215, wisdom, understanding, intelligence, knowledge; religious knowledge, such as is acquired by the reading and study of the sacred books. The Sanscrit word has thus the Polynesian Pa before it, and Pa-nyana is — “the act of understanding.” Panyana kula, the act of my understanding; as I understand it. So also may be explained the Malay word Tranyana, I should never have thought it; compounded of Nyana, and Tra, the short for Trada in Malay, no, not. To nyana, I should not have thought it.
Panyapu, a brush to lay on paint or whitewash.
Panyĕupahan, the time taken to chew a quid of sĕurĕuh.
Panyĕusĕup, name of a handsome but small bird of a bright crimson colour, called also Kalachés.
Panyiraman, a watering pot.
Panyisi, on the outside, from Sisi, side; people living on the borders, and who have no influence and are looked down upon or oppressed with impunity.
Papadon, a cardinal point—either due N. S. E. or West. Papadon opat, the four cardinal points. Apparently derived from Padu, to oppose, to be in opposition to. Pa-padu-an = Papadon.