Parampang, gaping in holes, standing open. Pierced with numerous holes.
Paraman, to seek out, to go for an explanation, to challenge. To dare any one.
Parang, a small agricultural instrument for cutting grass, weeds or small bushes. Called more commonly Arit. Parang is the usual Malay word for the implement, but still it is sometimes used in Sunda, and in confirmation of this idea we may instance the name of a district in South Bantam called Parang kujang, which means a particular kind of Parang. See Rang.
Paranggi, a man who carves kris heads. A man who carves wood or bone, especially for kris heads.
Paranjé, a place to keep fowls in,—generally a compartment fitted up under the native's house. A sheep pen raised on posts from the ground.
Parantéan, a person condemned to work in chains. A prisoner in chains.
Paranti, usual, customary; for the purpose of, in order to. Paranti sasari, what is every day usual. Paranti mandi, for the purpose of bathing. Paranti narik, for the purpose of dragging. Aya paranti na, there is the necessary apparatus, or means.
Parapag, drift wood in a river jammed fast. What is called a snag in the Missisippi.
Parapat, cut or made into regular uniform shape; made ship shape. Regular and even. To shave the hair of the head in shape of a cross by way of punishment.
Parasabĕn, forgiveness.
Parasi, name of a jungle plant, Curculigo minor, or recurvata. Kawung parasi, a small badly grown Kawung palm, which will not give much toddy for sugar, which soon dies out If after eating the fruit of the Parasi, a person drinks water, it has a pleasant, sweet taste, thereby often leading people astray as to its real flavour. From this circumstance the plant may have got its name, which sounds like Sanscrit, and may be a contraction or corruption of Parastri, from Para, other, Stri, woman, and in Singhalese occurs the expression Parastri Séwana, C. 364, adulteration, fornication. Sèwana is serving. Parastri or Parasi, may therefore have the meaning of „adulteress,“ from enticing the people to eat it, or to work the palm for sugar, and finding it deception.
Parat, cut through; having a passage through. Liang parat, a hole with a clear passage through; a hole gaping open from end to end.
Parawantan, a kind of superstitious offering of cocoa nuts, sugar cane, plantains etc. hung up to the ridge pole of a new house whilst building, under the idea of driving away evil spirits. Probably derived from Wanta, C. 621, destroyed or subjugated (viz the evil spirits). The natives of Ceylon have a similar custom when putting up any building.
Parayoga, great and strong; substantial, well made, perfect in all its parts. Parayoga is compounded of Para, of the number or rank of, and Yoga, C. 576, religious and abstract meditation, refraining the mind from external objects, and fixing it in profound absorption. Fitness, propriety. Magic, or the acquisition of supernatural