Pasěk, firm, hard, compact; having consistency; fitting tight.
Pasěmon, like, resembling.
Pasěr, an arrow shot from a blowpipe; now a days used only by children to kill birds.
Pasétran, a place for exposing the dead, according to the ancient practice of the Javanese. Crawfurd.
Pasěuk, a prod, a wooden pin; a peg.
Pasi, a small piece of anything; a half or part of, a slice. A clove of fruit, said especially of a fruit; a segment cut off a round fruit.
Pasingkěn, to separate, to put apart or asunder.
Pasini, conversation, verbal agreement, talk, saying. To nyaho di pasini na, I do not know what talk has been had about it.
Pasinikěn, to talk over a matter; to arrange by conversation.
Pasir, a hill, a ridge, something less than a mountain. This word seems to be derived from Pa, the usual prefix, and Sir, the noise made by wind passing over a hill, or past any obstacle. Paré pasir, upland paddy, such as is grown on Pasirs.
Pasisir, the country lying along the sea coast; apparently derived from Sisi, which see, but this still leaves the final R unaccounted for. See Palisir , bed hangings , probably from the air playing amongst them.
Pasmat, a contraction of the Dutch words Spaansche Mats = Spanish dollar, which ought to certain 3709 grains of silver, and be of the sterling value of 4/ 33/4. The old Spanish pillar dollar is much used as a standard in weighing and estimating the value of both silver and gold.
Pasmént, galoon, gold or silver lace. Passement, in Dutch, galoon. Jamang pasmént mas, a jacket with gold galoon.
Paso, a large earthenware vessel for holding water, such as an infant is bathed in. A bathing tub.
Pasti, indeed, certainly, undoubtedly, assuredly. A term of strong asseveration.
Pastikěn, to make certain, to assure. To determine.
Pasuliwěr, denotes the movements of people in a crowd, as in a crowded market. Passing and repassing in all directions.
Pasumbon, the touchhole of a gun, or other instrument to be fired off. Derived from Sumbu, which see.
Pasung, a variety of Kuéh or pastry made of rice flour and put up in leaves.
Pasurandog, met, encountered, come in contact with, clashed.
Pasuruhan, name of a Residency at the East end of Java; meaning literally: abounding in Sěurěuh, or in Javanese Suruh, Betle.
Pat, the idiomatic expression of being cut off even with something else, of having equality or evenness in some shape. Sapat, cut through. Evenness of scales when weighing. Pat bai matang, it is exactly level (said of scales).
Patah, vide Ariya Damar.