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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/451

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Sarénkĕn, to surrender, to give up, to hand over.

Sarĕung'i, a variety of wild taluĕs or arum.

Sari, taste, flavour, sensation. State of feeling. Buah éta sari na ngĕunah, the taste of that fruit is delicious. To ngĕunah sari na, it does not feel pleasant,— having an unpleasant sensation.

Sāri, a word often occurring in the composition of proper names, and is fancied by the natives to convey the idea of flower, beauty, ornament, young woman. Thus at the courts of the native princes, you sometimes hear of the Pagĕr Sari, which means: the fence of flowers, by which is implied the collection of handsome young woman, who surround the person of the Sovereign. CLOUGH does not give Sari in this sense, and yet the word is evidently of Sanscrit origin; he, however, gives — Sari, fit, proper, right, C. 716, and Sarit, C. 716, a woman, a wife, derived from Sra, to go, and iti affinitive. So also in the residency of Pasuruan there is a place called Singasari, an old seat of former government, the ruins of whose temples still remain.

Sari-awan, name of a disease. In a mild degree, it is a sort of sprew, or breaking out of the lining of the mouth in small ulcers; in a bad stage, it attacks the nose, and rots it off.

Sarib, fixed limit in justice or equity.

Sarikat, fortune or fault in common. To have fault from associating with bad people or robbers. Accomplice. Derived from the Arabic Sherikat a partner in trade. Sarik, Arabic, a partner in trade, an associate.

Saring, to strain or squeeze through something; to filter; to pass through a fine sieve.

Saring'an, a filter, a dripstone.

Sarip, Arabic, Sarif, noble, a noble. A sheriff. A descendant of the prophet Mohammed.

Sarisit, a small horse fly which stings smartly, but not so severely as the Pitĕuk.

Sarolét, name of a river fish, with slim, slender body, without scales and very slippery.

Saroyo, a pent-house; a to-fall; a verandah.

Saru, nearly alike, strongly resembling. Easily mistaken.

Sarua or Saruwa, alike, of the same appearance; identical, resembling. Evidently a corruption of Sarupa, C. 716, like, resembling, from Sa for Samana , like, and Rupa, form. In Malay the word is Sarupa, resembling.

Sarudum, the whole body wrapped up in the Sarung or Samping. Cowered down on the hams, and the Samping drawn up over the shoulders, so as to cover the whole body, as the natives do when they are cold.

Sarung, a case, a covering, a sheath, and is properly Malay, but occurs as the name of several objects which are of European use or manufacture. Sarung anggĕl, a pillow case. Sarung tang'an, a glove. Sarung bangku, the covering of a sofa.

Saruni, a musical wind instrument; a sort of pipe.

Saruni, name of a small garden plant, with pink, white or yellow flower.

Sasab, wandering from the right road; lost your way. Bewildered about the way.