ceptor. As Buddhist priests may not marry or have children, probably this Bali-Achar was only a father in spiritual sense. If the above ideas are correct, the country must have been called Saw-wél-achala , and the name have then been transferred to the leader who conducted the immigration.
Sawén, an arch of twigs or branches, or mostly a piece of rope stretched overhead, across the path-way to a humah, to which are hung sundry small articles. Such a Sawén is made, at the time of the paddy coming into ear, from a superstitious idea that it will keep away evil genii, who might otherwise come and destroy or take away the crop.
Sawér, a shower; rain driving sideways into a building. Rain or water drifted like spray sideways by the wind. A shower of money, especially copper doits, thrown out amongst a crowd to be scrambled for.
Sawidak, the number sixty, 60.
Sawindu, a cycle of years. See Windu.
|Sayaga, a weed in the mountain humahs, called also Tésbong, and Emboh.
Sayang, a nest, a bird's nest. The edible bird's nest (par excellence), distinguished more clearly by the name of Sayang kapindis, the name of the bird which builds the nests. Sayang odéng, a bee's nest.
Sayang'an, having a nest.
Sayĕr, a sort of sieve used for taking fish in muddy water, or at the time of floods.
Sayid, Arabic, the title of the descendants or supposed descendants of Mohammed.
Sayur, and Sayuran, greens, vegetables. Properly Malay, but nevertheless passes current. Kĕbon sayuran, a vegetable garden. Vide Lalab.
Séah, the shrill sound of water running over a rocky or sloping bed , or tumbling at a waterfall. Séah chai na kadéng'i ha jauh, the sound of the water was heard at a distance.
Séba, complementary presents; contributions made to a great man, consisting for the most part of eatables in some shape or other. Anything presented by the common people to their chiefs. Perhaps the open audience hall, which stands before every chief's dwelling, and where the people come with their presents, is called Paséban after these presents.
Sĕbab, Arabic, because, by reason of; cause, reason, motive.
Sĕbat, to strike with a whip, to whip, to switch.
Sĕbrét, to be stealthily taken away. To be cunningly made away with.
Sĕbul, said of tobacco which has a bad flavour. Bako sĕbul, tasteless, ill-flavoured tobacco, either for smoking or chewing.
Sĕbut, to mention, to name, to tell, to denominate. To be called. To consider, to look upon. Sĕbut ngaran na, mention his name. Pĕrkara éta hanto di sĕbut, that circumstance (or matter) was not mentioned. lyo di sĕbut goréng ku aing, this I consider as bad. Sĕbut hadé ma lain, this cannot be considered as good.