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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/84

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475 the Ela or ancient form of Buddha; Raja, King. Boro Bada Raja, the Great King Buddha, elided into Boro Budur; or it may mean the encompassing of King Buddha, from the place having perhaps originally been the depository of some relic of Buddha, as such relics were highly valued, and sent every where and preserved wherever Buddhism made its way, and preserved in Dagabas or Domes. The temple of Boro Budur is surrounded by many such Dagabas, with an extra large one in the centre, which has been evidently intended for such a Dagaba. Dagaba, C. 264 from or Dáta, a bone and Gaba from Garbbha the womb, a large solid building in the form of a Cone raised close to the Buddhist temples, and is an object of the highest veneration. The erection of these Dagabas had its origin in the fable that after the death of Buddha, his body, according to the custom of the country where he lived, was burnt. After the conflagration had ceased, certain portions of his bones had survived the operation of the fire; these were carefully collected and deposited with great pomp and solemnity by the priests in a building of this kind, raised for the purpose; afterwards, these sacred relies were divided, and sent over the world, for the purpose of religious veneration; every temple had its Dagaba, and every dagaba has a portion of these bones.[1].

Borobot, expressive of the sound of any thing giving way, and about to break, as a dam of earth, a fence, or of an animal rushing out of the jungle.

Boroboi, name of a tree Gynotroches axillaris, of the family of Guttiferae.

Borocho, a plant, the Celosia argentea of Blume, of the family of Amaranthaceae. It has a red stem and leaf, and is a pretty object in a garden. Often planted by the natives in their humaha.

Borok, ulcerated breaking out in scabs.

Borokosokol, a variety of small Cockroach- a Blatta.

Borolog, great in size; said of grain, particularly Paddy.

Borong, to take work by the piece, to buy whole sale; to undertake anything on a large scale; Tah borong sia bai that's your look out.

Borongan, is any work or undertaking taken by the piece- a set task.

Boronjotan, a collection of immediate relations. Saboronjotan kabéh gens kumpul di lumbur, all the relations of one family are collected together in the village.

Boronyodkěn, to extricate a pedaty or Cart which has stuck fast in mud, or in a hole by helping out with extra buffaloes.

Boros, the inner and tender shoots of certain plants, particularly of Schitamineae, and of the Plantain, which are eaten raw or cooked.

Bosěn, disgusted with, tired of, said of anything which one has to satiety, loathing.

  1. Bara in Kawi is a large number (hundred millions) like the Scr. arbuda; budur is also called Budo, and the word might mean "the innumerable Buddhas", there having been about 900 large figures of Buddha. Fr.