out by the government to feudal service. A man subject to the orders of his superiors.
Chachab, preparations used to make the hair grow.
Chachabean, a plant growing wild in cool upland situations. Leonurus Javanicus.
Chachad, blemish, defect, accident, injury overtaking any one. Chachad tiwas, by ac- cident, overtaken by some accident.
Chachadan, the two main side flooring pieces of a cart; the beam of a plough.
Chachag, to chop, to cut in pieces, to hack; to cut at with a weapon.
Chachak, like, as.
Chachangkir, a cup, a teacup, any small earthenware vessel to drink out of.
Chachangkiran, name of a plant; Panax Cochleatum.
Chachangkiran, name of a small shell fish in sea: limpets; Patella.
C ha chap, well accoutered; being provided with what one wants; coming it strong, pre- suming on a man's position.
Chachar, to cut down jungle, bushes or long grass; to cut down the brush wood of a forest, previous to felling the great trees; the space so cleared. Chachar , though a Malay word in this sense is often also used by the Sundas for the small-pox. Tukang chachar a vaccinator. Chacharan, to vaccinate. See Kuris.
Chachariwan, the knee-pan.
Chaching, a worm. Chaching'an , having the worms , said of a child or of a young buff aloe.
Chadang'an, prepared for, made arrangements for any one. Anything set aside for ano- ther person's use.
Chadas, Tufaceous strata; any indurated matter that has set so as to become rock, es- pecially volcanic ashes which have set in the sea, and subsequently been upheaved in strata. It is sometimes almost confounded with rock. Chadas gantung hanging rocks; rocks standing boldly up and presenting an upright surface like a wall. Chadas ma- lela, a variety of coarse sedimentary rock, which it is difficult to break up even with crow bars.
Chadong, a game in which the object is to knock down some sticks that have been set up for the purpose.
Chaduk, excrement.
Chad, name of a tree with pennated leaves , produces siliquae which contain pretty red beans.
Chagak, a stick or bit of wood with a fork or division at one end. A forked stick; much used in fences and the construction of dams, in the mountain rivers.
Chageur, well, in good health; in a sound state of body.
Chah, a contemptuons expression of disapproval or disgust Chahl saha nu daik> who the deuce will be willing.
Chahaya, bright, brilliant; radiance, lustre. Clihaya. C. 203 of same import.
Chai, water; abbreviated into Chi, means a river, and as such is placed before the proper names of rivers as Chidurian, Chidani.