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supplied by the other aspects zajimati and zajmouti. utonuti, n.v., to be drowned, from a root top, the / having

dropped out. OX. potopa, the deluge.

řece, observe the change of k into c before e.

Vojsko jeho pálilo vsi a městečka bezbraná a konalo všeliké ukrutností.

His soldiery burnt the villages and the undefended little towns, and committed all kinds of cruelties.

vsi, nom. plur. of ves. bezbranný, adj., undefended. konali, to commit (lit. 'to bring to an end'), from

root kon. Cf. konec, an end.

všeliký, adj., of all kinds. ukrutnosl, s.f, cruelty.

Obránců žádných v semi nebylo, aniž věděl kdo jiné rady, nez poddali se vítězi.

There were no defenders in the country, nor did any one know any other counsels than to submit to the conqueror.

obránce, m. (root bran, as in

bezbranný). For žádných see note on p. 29. aniž, not even.

kdo, also used to express 'any

one,' besides being inter- rogative. Cf. Russian use

of KTO.

vítěz, conqueror, supposed to be from Norse viking.

Když po smrti Matyáše, zbouřila strana stavův českých na trůn povolala Fridricha Falckého, mněl Lomnický, 2e s vlky vyti třeba, i jal se krále jalového oslavovali rýmy svými které mezi chátrou nemalého zalíbení docházely.

When at the death of Matthias the rebellious party in the Bohemian States called to the throne the Palatine Frederick, Lomnický thought that he ought to howl with the wolves, and began to celebrate the empty king with his rhymes, which obtained no little popularity among the mob.