Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/109

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The Genitive singular of all nouns is the same as the inflexion singular ; but 145 in books, and in conversation with Bramins, we occasionally find the postposition ^ X5 ^_ or cxfco?f of, added to the inflexion, to form the genitive.

The Dative singular is formed by adding to inflexions in 3 or ~^_ - #35 145 to inflexions in ^ N7TS or ^, and 5 to inflexions in all other terminations.

All nouns in the Accusative singular are the same as in the singular inflexion; 147 except that the inflexion is of the class termed "$ ex) kululoo, and the accusative of that named &> iio5 i^Qbex) drootuprukrootooloo. That the reader may always bear in mind this distinction, the inflexion will hereafter be "written in it's simple state, but to mark the accusative, the affix < will be added to all in- flexions in s> or 21, (except to inflexions formed by changing the termination of the nominative into that syllable), and the affix &> to all those ending in any other letter, (except to those mentioned in rule 117) and an &c will be further added to all, to denote that although the affixes $ or & are universal in the common dialect, and in correct language may, with propriety, be used before any consonants, yet others may be substituted in lieu of them, under the rules for drootuprukrootooloo ^j*$&j^&) ? ~X), contained in the preceding chapter.

The Vocative singular is either the same as the nominative singular, or is formed by merely lengthening the final vowel of that case ; unless the nominative end in v>, when that vowel is changed into ^ or o.

The Ablative singular is formed by adding to the singular inflexion the postpositions er 6 . ^# . S* & c . or $ to t } le i n fl ex j on o f nouns denoting nanimate things ending in "O.


The Nominative plural is formed, in various modes, from the nominative singular, according to the declension to which the substantive belongs. It always ends in ex>.

The Inflexion plural is formed by changing ew of the nominative plural into w. 151

The Genitive plural of all nouns is the same as the inflexion plural; but in books and in conversation with Bramins, we occasionally find the postpositi- ons"^^, or ^wr of, added to the inflexion te form, the genitive.