48 TELOOGOO GRAMMAR. SIN GULAR. N XSftsSSbo.., ..... a /tore. G /foesisco or /&&9 3oo csfco^, ...of a horse. e*9 66> ee Ace- /^oes^f &c ...................................... ahorse.' ee V. /fcesSsr ........... ................................. o horse. ee * Ab. /foe>3co -tr . & - ........................ iX by, or with a horse. &9 PLURAL. N /^oes^ooex) or /S^ex) ............................ horses. &e> A ee or G. or 6 " } of horses. or 66) 66) or Aoe^i) ........................ ^ h orses, 66) 6> ee bce>?6o &c.") or Acc. ' or } horses. V- 7^oeso5ooo~ o u or AD ef> <y rT) o ' .....o horses. 6S 66) i >, by, p c Ab. or )> .............., ...... in, by, or ivith horses. . er 6 - 6>
All nouns in this declension, besides the dative singular as given above, may also form that case by changing S$DO of the nominative into $, lengthening the preceding vowel, if not already long, and affixing the postposition? instead of &; thus, nom. sing, /^o^^o a horse, dative sing. /fo&9S5i>D?5o O r fc~& nom. sing. 00x3"^ a bribe, dative sing. e.)o^S"S^o?5So or
The postposition $ added to the singular inflexion of nouns ending in *o denoting inanimate things, is either affixed in the regular manner to inflexions of this declension, or the sSoo of the inflexion is changed into fS, and the preceding vowel, if not already long, is lengthened; thus IT^JS^MrS or in paper.