Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/150

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84 TELOOGOO GRAMMAR. 289 A number of $$ adjectives, ending in " and denoting qualities which are the peculiar objects of sight, taste, or touch, when prefixed to substantive nouns or pronouns, may, at pleasure, affix the particle '$.; thus, t$v black, ~S^ white, ^|g red, ^^ yellow, T^^> azure blue, ^C^A sweet, ^)^ sour, S?^ or ~^_^ soft, prefixed to substantives, either remain unchanged, or be- come #> - iSeJSO c. as "%> or HoiOw|o a white cloth, cSfcg or d&CSO SooSSb a sweet fruit, "^o ^ or 13oj >_) so/2 cotton. 281 To all ~e&3gs$x> adjectives, when prefixed to substantives, we may, at plea- sure, affix the particles ;-> cxwtf or ef>oook>3o&3 from the verb q) to become; but these affixes do not alter their meaning in any way whatever; thns, ~lo$ great, rT*^ Iar 9 e > ^.3> new > ^^ blind > ^^ short > 3&>w slack, &c. C^t *** O make "^-^ocootf or 1boc56x>o4SX)ew a or '^'^o^jSb^cO a great person, and so forth; these particles, however, cannot be added to the adjectives mentioned above as assuming <^, until that affix is first inserted; thus, we cannot say ^^^ but / ^

it is at the same time to be remarked, that the addition of

cootfdux^o^S to "^^g^ adjectives is, in general, neither neces- sary nor elegant.


282 The adjective ^^- handsome or fine, always affixes $> ; thus, we say -%& K)S5rS)oX a handsome person, not ~Z>& S&^oX.

& empty, 5&o& good, and ^^ 5?na//, take no affixes whatever: thus, lJj ~?o an empty box, S&94w59(0x a good person, "^^J^^^ a small horse.

284 The adjective ^ (^ </tzw, swa//, affixes, at pleasure, the syllable S&o ; to which e>;6.> f^tf or ow^iw^otS may be optionally added jthus,^^"^^ ^S^ix) or ^f^^oc^T^A^sSbo ^'^ paper : when it assumes the syllable 5$x>, it admits of another form, according to the following rule.

285 All iSS'QS&o adjectives ending in s&o, when prefixed to substantives, either affix ^KQ-^ocotf , or eocwtfSoosfo&S, or change the final 3$*, to 3) or