OF VERBS.|117 which the following roots in (Telugu characters) admit, are those mentioned in the two first rules for this conjugation (357 & 358.) (Telugu characters)...to reckon, to think. (Telugu characters)...to attend. (Telugu characters)..to share, to divide. (Telugu characters)...to lurk, to lie in wait secretly. (Telugu characters)...to surpass, to go beyond. (Telugu characters)...to harass, to torment. (Telugu characters)...to scrape, to scratch. (Telugu characters)to take, to receive. (Telugu characters)to imagine, to think. (Telugu characters)to rob. (Telugu characters)to perform a ceremony in which a string is consecrated to a particular deity, and then tied round the arm or wrist ; it is generally performed by females. (Telugu characters)...to weigh. (Telugu characters)...to rub. (Telugu characters)......to owe. (Telugu characters)...to move a piece, as in a game of chess, 6cc. (Telugu characters)...to love, to desire. (Telugu characters)...to claw. (Telugu characters)....to string (pearls, &c.} (Telugu characters)...to dig. (Telugu characters)...to churn' (Telugu characters)...to trust, to confide. (Telugu characters)...to send, to command, to rot. (Telugu characters)...to prefer, to approve. (Telugu characters)...to break in pieces. (Telugu characters)...to say (Telugu characters)...to increase.
All other roots in (Telugu characters) have the infinitive optionally either in (Telugu characters) or in (Telugu characters), and, when followed by (Telugu characters) to form the present verbal participle, by (Telugu characters) to form certain parts of the affirmative aorist, or by the terminations for the affirmative imperative, they may, at pleasure, convert (Telugu characters) into (Telugu characters); thus, (Telugu characters), to bless, makes in the infinitive (Telugu characters) or (Telugu characters), in the present verbal participle (Telugu characters)
or (Telugu characters) in the aorist (Telugu characters), and in the imperative (Telugu characters).
The verbs of the class last mentioned being more numerous than any others, in &, one of them has been selected as an example of this conjugation.
Root (Telugu characters) Present verbal participle (Telugu characters) (Telugu characters) common. common.
(Telugu characters) ... (Telugu characters) blessing.
Past ............ ...do ......... ....... (Telugu characters) having blessed Infinite ............................. blessing. to bless.