(Telugu characters) | r |
(Telugu characters) | n |
2 |
15 | Initial unconnected vowels. |
15 | Connected vowels. |
41 | Consonants. |
8 | Double forms of some consonants. |
2 | Signs. |
81 | Letters. |
4. Of these eighty-one letters, the initial vowesl (Telugu characters) roo, (Telugu characters) roo, and (Telugu characters) loo, the ten aspirates (Telugu characters) kꞕu, (Telugu characters) gꞕ, (Telugu characters) chꞕ, (Telugu characters) jꞕ, (Telugu characters) tꞕ, (Telugu characters) dꞕ, (Telugu characters) tꞕ, (Telugu characters) dꞕ, (Telugu characters) pꞕ, and (Telugu characters) bꞕ, the nasals (Telugu characters) gnu and (Telugu characters) nyu, and the consonants (Telugu characters) sh, (Telugu characters) sꞕ, (Telugu characters) ksꞕ, and (Telugu characters) ꞕ, are the nineteen characters stated by Teloogoo Grammarians to be peculiar to words of Sanscrit origin. To these, the connected vowels (Telugu characters) roo and (Telugu characters) roo, should also be added. For, had not all the connected vowels been rejected from the alphabet, as marks instead of letters, a place would have been originally assigned to these two characters, in the list of symbols peculiar to Sanscrit derivatives.
5. Although the letter (Telugu characters) sh, is, as above stated, peculiar to Sanscrit, modern authors admit, that, Sanscrit derivatives excepted, all Teloogoo words which have the letter (Telugu characters) s, followed by the connected vowels (Telugu characters) i, (Telugu characters) ee, (Telugu characters) ĕ, or (Telugu characters) ē, may change the (Telugu characters) s, into (Telugu characters) sh; hence, (Telugu characters) chēsi, or (Telugu characters) chēshi, having done; (Telugu characters) chēsĕnoo, or (Telugu characters) chēshĕnoo, he, she, or it, did; (Telugu characters) siggoo, or (Telugu characters) shiggoo, shame.
6. The short initial vowels (Telugu characters) ĕ and (Telugu characters) ŏ, and their corresponding connected vowels (Telugu characters) ĕ and (Telugu characters) ŏ, (excluded by Grammarians as being merely marks) together with the consonants (Telugu characters) ts, (Telugu characters) dzu, (Telugu characters) lu, (Telugu characters) rru, and (Telugu characters) n, are to be found in words of the pure Teloogoo only.
7. The other letters of the alphabet are common to all Teloogoo words, whether derived from the Sanscrit, or otherwise.