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Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/95

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The first and third persons singular in the affirmative aorist, the indefinite 102 participle in &, or the root used for that participle : and nouns in the accusative singular ending in *o when deprived of their drootuprukrootica affixes, never admit of Sand, hi $ as j& I come, have come, or will come, and ^^2*0 now, make T^|oS5>j>2Sb / come, have come, or will come now. ^"^^ he comes, has come, or will co me, and ^So^So now, make S5"-Kk^s3>j>& fa comes, has come, or will come now. ^axo-lfc that protects, -^C5bi the'god, and ocrsr;& I have meditated, make e lxOafc)3';: 5bce>c-a'Sr o &> / have meditated on M the protecting God. "75"5&o the accusative of "G^SxttC^ib Kama, deprived of it's drootuprukrootica affixes, and -H<&o" : 3i& he, she, or it saw, make l : & he, she, or it saw Rama.

All words ending in any of the short vowels, invariably have Sundjti, when followed by <^C<J& full, S9oe as much as, ^^ at the rate of, and &&> a leaf; or by the words ^^. an elder brother, ^^ a mother, ^ 9 $ an elder sister,. e^cOog a father, ^>_g a mother-in-law, ^^ a father , K>S5 a grand mother fyc. when added to proper names to express familiarity or kindness ; thus, 1*^ the hand, held so as to contain any thing, and <^C<3Sb full, make I3l3c<j& a handfull; S^ 6 ^ an areca nut ; and 9o& as much as, make o^S'oS' as large as an areca nut ; <^S5^Q eight, and <^<o at the rate of, make ^ < &~*u~z&) at the rale of eight ; <^^ Soobee, the proper name of a woman, and ^^ mother, make ^^^ friend Soobee ! ~e3^63 a Palmyra (in the inflected case) and && a leaf, make !T'&r T >o fl Palmyra-leaf.

Nouns of Sanscrit derivation, even ending in the short connected vowels ", 104 ?, or ^, which in the nominative singular do not adopt the Teloogoo terminations C&bj S$iv>, or $), never admit of Sund,hi ; thus, 00^^, a swan, and <^& which ? make ^OpS^)^ rohich is the swan 7 2$^e~ durb,ha, a kind of sacred grass, and <>5^ ivhich? make >$"e-c3oa to/'c^ z> ^*e durljia? Sj-*8 <^ e ,(70^ Vishtnoo, and oOC~^r& 7<e, sAe, or it went, make ^"6coC~7??& Vishtnoo -went. In all these instances, the first word is included in the class of