Page:A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu/202

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a hair-dresser's experience

known ladies here, particularly in Cincinnati, take two or three sets of handkerchiefs, and not only carry away cakes and candy, but actually game. I have known them to do worse than even that.

Some time ago, there was a party given by a lady in this city; among the ladies who were very elegantly dressed that evening, was one in particular, who wore a very rich opera cloak, trimmed with ermine, a hood to match, also, an elegant handkerchief; these she put away, all rolled in a bundle. I observed a lady in the dressing room very busy examining the wrappings, but did not suppose she had any evil intentions. Early in the evening the lady and several others disappeared, taking with them others' wrappings, and were not charitable enough to send them back, thinking the blame would be attached to the servants.

Some time ago there was a large party given to some eastern ladies. The lady in whose house they were stopping, after having performed her own toilet, left on the table some articles of valuable jewelry. When the guests had dispersed, the jewelry, too, had disappeared. Such occurrences are very frequent of late years.

The following circumstance occurred in one of our most fashionable jewelry establishments. Two ladies went into the store, and requested to be shown some diamond rings; amongst others, they were shown a very valuable one, which a gentleman had been on the eve of purchasing the day before. Not being quite decided on making the purchase, they promised to call again.

The person who attended them, put away the boxes without looking whether the ring was there or not; during the course of the day, the gentleman, who had