Page:A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu/206

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a hair-dresser's experience

sometimes like a lily in the midst of many poisonous weeds. If it was not the hand of Providence causing the wind to blow another way, it would choke the lily, and it would wither and die, so does the hand of Providence protect me as I move on the face of this unfriendly earth; my enemies would choke me if they could, if not with their hands, they would with their feet." I saw the two ladies blush, and touch each other on the foot.

My work was now finished, and bidding them good morning, I left the room. I then went into an adjoining room where was a lady who was raised in the State of New York. She began to question me, and ask me the news. Seeing from her manner that she had something to tell, I began to try and find out what it was. After a very little trouble I succeeded. She told me there was a man and woman in the next room who were not married. I told her it would be a poor hotel if everybody was married in it, and wanted to know the reason she thought so. She said that man and wife were more formal and dignified. Just then her husband knocked at the door, when she twisted and turned till she got him to leave the room; but I think it was more to ask me questions than on account of modesty. After he had gone she asked me to go with her to the spiritual rappers; I thanked her. and said I worked for the girls and could go in when I pleased. I made up my mind to be there at four o'clock and see what her object was in having me there. At the appointed time I went with her to see the rappers, and found her object was to ask many absurd questions, which were all answered favorably. By this time many of our most fashionable ladies came in; when