Page:A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu/239

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a loving, kind and indulgent husband and his wife has perfectly recovered her health.

One season on returning from Saratoga, I noticed among the passengers a Cincinnati lady returning home, bringing with her a lady from New York. This lady had no particular standing in New York, nor did she know any fashionable people there. The Cincinnati lady belonged to the third circle, but made her visitor believe she belonged to the first, and could introduce her into it as soon as she got to Cincinnati.

I was sitting right behind them, and as I had a headache, I kept my vail over my face. They, supposing me asleep, kept up the conversation and talked over a good many of the ladies' names I worked for, and also my own name was mentioned; it was with difficulty I kept still, but wishing to hear them finish their conversation, I kept as quiet as I could.

The Cincinnati lady began to tell what they would do when they got to the city. "In the morning," said she "we will go to Miss B———'s and then to S———'s dry goods store, and in the evening to Smith & Nixon's Hall; next morning to the confectionery, and in the afternoon to the dancing school. Strakosch is expected, and we will then buy a handsome head dress, have our hair dressed, and go to the concert in the evening. The other lady inquired, with some surprise, "Why have you hairdressers in Cincinnati!" the reply was, "Why mercy, yes, yes indeed, we have hair-dressers in Cincinnati, and one is so fashionable she goes to Saratoga, Newport, and New York. I have never had her yet to comb me, but we will take a carriage and go for her to come and comb us; and you make her believe you are in the habit of going all